International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care
Int J Qual Health Care · Oct 2021
Effect of a waiting room communication strategy on imaging rates and awareness of public health messages for low back pain.
Few studies have investigated the effects of waiting room communication strategies on health-care behavior. ⋯ A communication strategy displayed in the ED waiting room may slightly reduce the proportion of patients with low back pain who receive lumbar imaging, although there is uncertainty due to imprecision. The campaign did not appear to increase awareness of campaign messages or affect patient satisfaction in a sample of patients presenting to the ED for any reason. Larger studies should investigate whether simple, low-cost waiting room communication strategies can raise awareness of unnecessary healthcare and influence health-care quality.
Int J Qual Health Care · Aug 2021
Impact of an educational intervention on WHO surgical safety checklist and pre-operative antibiotic use at a referral hospital in southwestern Uganda.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends adherence to its surgical safety checklist (SSC) to optimize patient safety and reduce cesarean surgical site infection (SSI). Educational interventions combined with audit and feedback mechanisms on the checklist use by clinicians have the potential to improve adherence and clinical outcomes. Despite the increase in cesarean delivery rates, there is a paucity of data on how such interventions can improve adherence in resource-limited settings. ⋯ An educational intervention, daily audit and feedback to clinicians increased the use of the WHO SSC and prophylactic antibiotics for cesarean delivery-although the rates waned with time. Research to understand factors influencing the checklist use and antibiotic prophylaxis including prescriber knowledge, motivation and clinical process is required. Implementation interventions to sustain usage and impact on clinical outcomes need to be explored.
Int J Qual Health Care · Mar 2021
Accuracy and reliability of injury coding in the national Dutch Trauma Registry.
Injury coding is well known for lack of completeness and accuracy. The objective of this study was to perform a nationwide assessment of accuracy and reliability on Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) coding by Dutch Trauma Registry (DTR) coders and to determine the effect on Injury Severity Score (ISS). Additionally, the coders' characteristics were surveyed. ⋯ Accuracy of and inter-rater agreement on AIS injury scoring by DTR coders is limited. This may in part be due to the heterogeneous backgrounds and training levels of the coders. As a result of the inconsistent coding, the number of major trauma patients in the DTR may be over- or underestimated. Conclusions based on DTR data should therefore be drawn with caution.
Int J Qual Health Care · Mar 2021
Quality and safety in the time of Coronavirus: design better, learn faster.
The COVID-19 pandemic has required health systems to change much faster than normal. Many staff have experienced training in quality improvement and patient safety methods which can be used to support the design of new systems and to accelerate learning about new and adapted practices. This article sets out the principles of quality improvement and patient safety science, applying them in a selection of approaches, methods and tools, which may be useful in crisis situations such as the current pandemic. The article also makes reference to several resources which may be of use to those keen to advance their knowledge.
Int J Qual Health Care · Mar 2021
Expanding frontiers of risk management: care safety in nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic.
Nursing homes provide long-term care and have residential-oriented hospitalizations characterized by medical, nursing and social-care treatments for a typically geriatric population. In the current emergency phase, the problem of infections in residential structures for the elderly is taking on considerable importance in relation to the significant prevalence rates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ⋯ Adequate risk management in residential structures implies the establishment of a coordination committee with dedicated staff, the implementation of a surveillance program for the rapid recognition of the outbreaks, the identification of suitable premises and equipment, the application of universal precautions, the adaptation of care plans to reduce the possibility of contagion among residents and the protection of operators and staff training initiatives.