Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs · Mar 1996
ReviewAn introduction to hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the ET nurse.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, a controversial field of medicine that is not yet well understood, is the use of pressurization to deliver increased oxygen concentrations to the body and in particular to increase the amount of oxygen diffused in the plasma. This article is intended to provide ET nurses with an introduction to the physics of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and to illustrate how this therapy may be beneficial in aiding healing in selected patients. Methods of oxygen delivery, a review of the physics of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, including a brief explanation of the gas laws pertinent to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and clinical considerations (clinical effects, implications, indications, contraindications, assessment parameters, treatment protocols, risks, side effects, and wound dressings suitable for this specialized environment) are discussed. Approved indications for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and contact information for locating the nearest hyperbaric oxygen therapy facility are included.