JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical Association
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Jul 2007
Etiological agents of bacteraemia and antibiotic susceptibility pattern in Kathmandu Model Hospital.
The presence of bacteria in blood is simply known as bacteraemia. The main aim of this study is to determine the bacteraemia in patients visiting Kathmandu Model Hospital and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of isolates with special interest on ciprofloxacin. This prospective study was carried out in microbiology laboratory, Kathmandu Model Hospital from April 2005 to June 2005. ⋯ Three isolates of Salmonella typhi were found as multidrug resistant (MDR) whereas no MDR was found in Salmonella paratyphi A. From this it can be concluded that Salmonella bacteraemia is more than other. Although nalidixic acid resistant serovars were isolated, ciprofloxacin resistant serovar were not present.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Jul 2007
Cervical spine injuries in a teaching hospital of eastern region of Nepal: a clinico-epidemiological study.
Cervical spine injuries with neural deficits carry significant impact economically, socially and psychologically to the individual and to the society. Risk factors involved, mode of injuries, constraints of management and rehabilitation are different in developing countries. Total 149 patients of cervical spine injuries presented in B. ⋯ C5 vertebra was the most commonly injured vertebra. Cervical spine injuries, which has major impact over patient and society is still not adequately addressed by medical and public health system of developing countries like Nepal. Incidence of spinal injuries and its devastating consequences can be reduced by appropriate preventive measures and management along with rehabilitation.
JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc · Jul 2007
In hospital complications and mortality of patients of inferior wall myocardial infarction with right ventricular infarction.
This is a cross-sectional study of patients with inferior wall Myocardial Infarction (MI), who attended emergency and got admitted in ICU/CCU of TU Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj and Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal during November 1999 to October 2000. This study was undertaken to compare the in-hospital complications and mortality of patients of inferior wall myocardial infarction with or without associated right ventricular infarction. Total 53 consecutive patients with acute inferior wall myocardial infarction were enrolled in the study. ⋯ Mortality was found higher in patients of group A, but it was not statistically significant. Two patients of group A expired on first day whereas only one patient of group B expired on the eighth day of admission. In hospital complications especially cardiogenic shock, complete A-V block and junctional rhythm are significantly higher in inferior wall MI when associated with RV infarction.