Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr · Jan 2015
Meta AnalysisDairy consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: an updated meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.
Epidemiological studies to-date provided inconsistent findings on the effects of dairy consumption on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We aimed to examine the association of dairy consumption and its specific subtypes with CVD risk, including the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) by a metaanalysis. ⋯ This meta-analysis provided further evidence supporting the beneficial effect of dairy consumption on CVD. Low-fat dairy products and cheese may protect against stroke or CHD incidence.
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr · Jan 2015
Attitudes toward the American nutrition guidelines for the critically ill patients of Chinese intensive care physicians.
Nutrition therapy is essential for the management of critically ill patients. Some guidelines have been published to standardize and optimize the nutrition therapy. However, there are still many controversies in nutrition practice and there is a gap between guidelines and clinical nutrition therapy for patients in intensive care units (ICUs). ⋯ Members of CSPEN were more likely to select a greater strength of recommendation than non-members. In conclusion, the overall attitudes of Chinese intensive care physicians toward the American guidelines were positive. Nevertheless, given the great guideline-practice gap, nutrition-focused education is warranted for many intensive care physicians in China.
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr · Jan 2015
Review Meta AnalysisEarly parenteral nutrition alone or accompanying enteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Although several large-scale clinical trials shave examined the relationship between early parenteral nutrition (ePN) and critically ill patients, a consensus has not been reached. In addition, no meta-analysis in this area has yet been published. The objective of this meta-analysis was to examine the effect of ePN, alone or accompanying enteral nutrition, in critically ill patients. ⋯ Overall, this meta-analysis from RCTs indicates that provision of ePN within 24-48 hours has no benefit on the survival rate in critically ill patients. Thus, provision of ePN in patients is not needed in those who have contraindications to enteral nutrition or can tolerate a low volume of enteral nutrition.
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr · Jan 2015
Review Meta AnalysisPeri-operative immunonutrition in patients undergoing liver transplantation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
No consensus has been reached concerning the effects of peri-operative immunonutrition in patients undergoing liver transplantation. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of peri-operative immunonutrition on clinical outcomes and liver function in patients undergoing liver transplantation. ⋯ Peri-operative nutrition support adding immunonutrients like glutamine, ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, arginine and ribonucleic acids may improve outcomes in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Due to the limited sample size of the included trials, further large-scale and rigorously designed RCTs are needed.
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr · Jan 2015
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyEarly jejunal feeding by bedside placement of a nasointestinal tube significantly improves nutritional status and reduces complications in critically ill patients versus enteral nutrition by a nasogastric tube.
Unguided nasojejunal feeding tube insertion success rates are low. Controversy persists about how to safely and efficiently perform enteral nutrition (EN) in critically ill patients. This study explores an innovative blind nasointestinal tube (NIT) insertion method and compares nasogastric and nasointestinal feeding. ⋯ Blind bedside NIT insertion is convenient and its use can effectively improve nutritional status, reduce feeding complications, and decrease nutritional support costs of critically ill patients.