Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Pharmacokinetics, thrombogenicity and safety of a double viral inactivated factor IX concentrate compared with a prothrombin complex concentrate.
Therapeutic options for developing countries have to assure an optimum safety and efficacy and low-cost antihaemophilic concentrates. A single blind randomized crossover study was carried out in 12 previously treated HB patients, comparing the pharmacokinetics (PK), thrombogenicity (TG) and safety of two plasma-derived double-inactivated (solvent/detergent heating at 100 degrees C, 30 min) factor IX (FIX) concentrates, UMAN COMPLEX DI (product A) [plasma-derived prothrombin concentrates (PCC)] and a high purity FIX concentrate AIMAFIX DI (product B, HPFIX). In a non-bleeding state, they received one single intravenous dose 50 IU FIX kg(-1) of PCC or HPFIX, and after a wash-out period of 14 days, the other product. ⋯ In TG, significant increments in TAT and F1 + 2 at 30 min and 6 h were found with PCC. Product B PK results agrees with reported results for other HPFIX preparations. Use of PCC product A has to consider its thrombogenic activity.
Currently, there is no single haemostasis laboratory test that has the capacity to accurately illustrate the clinical effects of procoagulant or anticoagulant interventions. Although the time course of thrombin generation in plasma and the endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) may be useful coagulation parameters, clotting involves components other than thrombin (e.g. platelets, fibrinogen). The continuous coagulation profiles of thrombelastography may provide a more accurate reflection of in vivo biology, covering initiation, development and final clot strength during whole blood clot formation. ⋯ Thrombelastography has been shown to reflect the clinical efficacy of activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) and recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) in patients with haemophilia A with inhibitors and in patients with acquired haemophilia. Overall, tailoring laboratory assays to illustrate and correlate with clinical phenotypes is essential for effective coagulation monitoring. Applying an algorithm of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative tests, including thrombelastography, may enable physicians to achieve this.
Preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation may be useful for improving the recovery of patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery, particularly in those with co-morbidity or special requirements. This case study, of a patient with haemophilia and inhibitors to factor VIII undergoing total knee replacement, demonstrates the benefits of 6 weeks' preoperative physiotherapy ('prehabilitation') combined with 6 weeks' postoperative rehabilitation. The supervised physiotherapy regimen was individually tailored to specifically increase range of motion and muscle strength, enabling rapid mobilization and recovery of function, whilst minimizing the risk of bleeding.