Neurobiology of disease
Neurobiology of disease · Apr 2013
ReviewHow does the brain deal with cumulative stress? A review with focus on developmental stress, HPA axis function and hippocampal structure in humans.
There is evidence that excessive stress exposure of the brain, mediated through the neurotoxic effects of cortisol and possibly neuroinflammation, causes damage to brain structure and function: the glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis. Functional changes of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as well as alterations in brain structures like the hippocampus have been consistently reported in major depression. However, there has not been a lot of emphasis on bringing findings from studies on early childhood stress, HPA axis functioning and hippocampal imaging together. ⋯ We conclude that a model integrating childhood maltreatment, cortisol abnormalities and hippocampal volume may need to take other factors into account, such as temperament, genetics or the presence of depression; to provide a cohesive explanation of all the findings. Finally, we have to conclude that the cascade hypothesis, mainly based on preclinical studies, has not been translated enough into humans. While there is evidence that early life maltreatment results in structural hippocampal changes and these are in turn more prominent in subjects with higher continuous cortisol secretion it is less clear which role early life maltreatment plays in HPA axis alteration.
Neurobiology of disease · Apr 2013
Meta AnalysisPredictive neural biomarkers of clinical response in depression: a meta-analysis of functional and structural neuroimaging studies of pharmacological and psychological therapies.
We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of neural predictors of response to the most commonly used, evidence based treatments in clinical practice, namely pharmacological and psychological therapies. Investigations of medication-free subjects suffering from a current major depressive episode who underwent positron emission tomography (PET) or functional or structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans prior to the initiation of treatment were reviewed. Results of 20 studies from 15 independent samples were included in the functional imaging meta-analysis and 9 studies from 6 independent samples in the structural neuroimaging meta-analysis. ⋯ To develop clinically relevant, prognostic markers will require high predictive accuracy at the level of the individual. Predicting clinical response will help to stratify patients and to identify at an early stage those patients who may require more intensive or combined therapies. We propose that structural and functional neuroimaging show significant potential for the development of prognostic markers of clinical response in the treatment of depression.
Neurobiology of disease · Apr 2013
Novel missense mutations in the glycine receptor β subunit gene (GLRB) in startle disease.
Startle disease is a rare, potentially fatal neuromotor disorder characterized by exaggerated startle reflexes and hypertonia in response to sudden unexpected auditory, visual or tactile stimuli. Mutations in the GlyR α(1) subunit gene (GLRA1) are the major cause of this disorder, since remarkably few individuals with mutations in the GlyR β subunit gene (GLRB) have been found to date. Systematic DNA sequencing of GLRB in individuals with hyperekplexia revealed new missense mutations in GLRB, resulting in M177R, L285R and W310C substitutions. ⋯ W310C was predicted to interfere with hydrophobic side-chain stacking between M1, M2 and M3. We found that W310C had no effect on glycine sensitivity, but reduced maximal currents in α(1)β GlyRs in both homozygous (α(1)β(W310C)) and heterozygous (α(1)ββ(W310C)) stoichiometries. Since mild startle symptoms were reported in W310C carriers, this may represent an example of incomplete dominance in startle disease, providing a potential genetic explanation for the 'minor' form of hyperekplexia.
Neurobiology of disease · Apr 2013
Electrophysiological white matter dysfunction and association with neurobehavioral deficits following low-level primary blast trauma.
There is strong evidence that primary blast injuries can cause neuropathological alterations in the brain. Clinical findings from war veterans indicating evidence of diffuse axonal injury have been corroborated by numerous primary blast models in animals. However, the effect of a subclinical blast (blast with no obvious sign of external trauma or lung injury) as a contributing factor to the neurological symptoms and neuropathology is less clear. ⋯ Electrophysiological recordings from the corpus callosum indicated greater deficits in unmyelinated fibers of the corpus callosum relative to myelinated fibers characterized by reduced CAP amplitude response at 14 days post-injury. Analysis of the relationship between stimulation distance to evoked response indicated an underlying abnormality in N1 myelinated fibers at close stimulation distances. Collectively, our results indicate that subclinical blast exposure can result in persistent neurological changes in cerebral white matter occurring in parallel with detectable neurobehavioral deficits.