Journal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical Research
Depression entails changes in the mental health of individuals worldwide. Episodes of depression lead to mood swings and changes in the motivational dimension. Our research focused on the prevalence of depression in the adult population and on how it affected the social and affective dimensions. ⋯ As tools, we used the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. The data demonstrated that women were more likely to display symptoms of depression and that individuals aged between 24 and 29 were less likely to reveal symptoms of anxiety than those aged between 18 and 23. Moreover, childless or economically dependent individuals proved to be more likely to display symptoms of depression during the pandemic.
Renal transplant patients are at increased risk for mucormycosis. Diabetes, neutropenia, deferoxamine therapy, and immunosuppressive medications have been associated with increased risk of mucormycosis in studies of solid organ transplant recipients. To focus on renal transplant patients, the US Renal Data System (USRDS) was queried to determine the incidence and risk factors for mucormycosis. ⋯ In renal transplant patients, age, deceased donor graft transplant, tacrolimus administration, race other than white, and Hispanic ethnicity were associated with increased risk of mucormycosis. Unexpectedly, iron overload was protective. Mucormycosis is a rare infection in renal transplant patients which should be considered in patients with the above risk factors after more common infections have been ruled out.
Amyloidosis is a rare group of diseases characterized by abnormal folding of proteins and extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils. It can be localized to one organ system or can have systemic involvement. The kidney is the most common organ to be involved in systemic amyloidosis often leading to renal failure and the nephrotic syndrome. ⋯ A renal biopsy along with characteristic features found on immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometry is diagnostic of ALECT2. ALECT2 should be suspected when all markers for AL and AA are negative. Proper diagnosis of ALECT2 can determine need for supportive care versus more aggressive interventions.
AI relates broadly to the science of developing computer systems to imitate human intelligence, thus allowing for the automation of tasks that would otherwise necessitate human cognition. Such technology has increasingly demonstrated capacity to outperform humans for functions relating to image recognition. Given the current lack of cost-effective confirmatory testing, accurate diagnosis and subsequent management depend on visual detection of characteristic findings during otoscope examination. The aim of this manuscript is to perform a comprehensive literature review and evaluate the potential application of artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of ear disease from otoscopic image analysis.
Comparative Study
Prospective predictive performance comparison between clinical gestalt and validated COVID-19 mortality scores.
Most COVID-19 mortality scores were developed at the beginning of the pandemic and clinicians now have more experience and evidence-based interventions. Therefore, we hypothesized that the predictive performance of COVID-19 mortality scores is now lower than originally reported. We aimed to prospectively evaluate the current predictive accuracy of six COVID-19 scores and compared it with the accuracy of clinical gestalt predictions. 200 patients with COVID-19 were enrolled in a tertiary hospital in Mexico City between September and December 2020. ⋯ Adjusting scores with locally derived likelihood ratios did not improve their performance; however, some scores outperformed clinical gestalt predictions when clinicians' confidence of prediction was <80%. Despite its subjective nature, clinical gestalt has relevant advantages in predicting COVID-19 clinical outcomes. The need and performance of most COVID-19 mortality scores need to be evaluated regularly.