Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP
J Public Health Manag Pract · Jan 2022
ReviewHospital Policies During COVID-19: An Analysis of Visitor Restrictions.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals have developed visitor restriction policies in order to mitigate spread of infection. We reviewed hospital visitor restriction policies for consistency and to develop recommendations to highlight fair and transparent restrictions, exceptions, and appeals in policy development and implementation. ⋯ Visitor restriction policies varied significantly among hospitals in this review. These variances create challenges in that their fair application may be problematic and ethical issues related to allocation may arise. Five recommendations are offered for hospitals revising or creating such policies, including that offering transparent, accessible, public-facing policies can minimize ethical dilemmas. In addition, hospitals would benefit from communicating with each other in the development of visitor policies to ensure uniformity and support patients and family members as they navigate hospital visitation.
J Public Health Manag Pract · May 2021
Excess Mortality Associated With the COVID-19 Pandemic-Los Angeles County, March-September 2020.
To more comprehensively estimate COVID-19-related mortality in Los Angeles County by determining excess all-cause mortality and pneumonia, influenza, or COVID (PIC) mortality. ⋯ The number of excess PIC deaths estimated by our model was approximately equal to the number of confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths identified by surveillance. This suggests our surveillance definition for confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths might be sufficiently sensitive for capturing the true burden of deaths caused directly or indirectly by COVID-19.
J Public Health Manag Pract · May 2021
Comparative StudyPopulation-Level Disparities in COVID-19: Measuring the Independent Association of the Proportion of Black Population on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in US Counties.
There is a need to understand population race and ethnicity disparities in the context of sociodemographic risk factors in the US experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ The proportion of NHB people in a county was positively associated with county COVID-19 case and death rates and did not change in models that accounted for other socioecologic and health care infrastructure characteristics that have been hypothesized to account for the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial and ethnic minority populations. Results can inform efforts to mitigate the impact of structural racism of COVID-19.
Financing US preventive medicine residency programs has been a persistently difficult issue. The unique nature of preventive medicine renders training more burdensome and costly than other specialties. This article describes the numerous and varied federal sources of Graduate Medical Education funding to outline available residency financing options for the specialty of preventive medicine. This information could be utilized by various preventive medicine organizations in their efforts to strengthen the specialty.
J Public Health Manag Pract · May 2021
Lessons Learned From Miami-Dade County's COVID-19 Epidemic: Making Surveillance Data Accessible for Policy Makers.
COVID-19 represents an unprecedented challenge to policy makers as well as those entrusted with capturing, monitoring, and analyzing COVID-19 data. Effective public policy is data-informed policy. This requires a liaison between public health scientists and public officials. ⋯ To facilitate the fullest understanding by both the general public and policy makers alike, we advocate for greater centralization of public health surveillance data, objective operational definitions of metrics, and greater interagency communication to best guide and inform policy makers. Through consistent data reporting methods, parsimonious and consistent analytic methods, a clear line of communication with policy makers, transparency, and the ability to navigate unforeseen externalities such as "data dumps" and reporting delays, scientists can use information to best support policy makers in times of crises.