Experimental neurology
Experimental neurology · Dec 2000
Experience-dependent structural plasticity in cortex heterotopic to focal sensorimotor cortical damage.
Structural plasticity following focal neocortical damage in adult rats has recently been found to be sensitive to postinjury rehabilitative training. Experience on a complex motor skills task, the acrobatic task, after unilateral lesions of the forelimb representation region of the sensorimotor cortex (FLsmc) enhanced synaptic structural changes in the cortex contralateral and homotopic to the lesions. Using tissue from this previous study, the present study examined whether a heterotopic region of the sensorimotor cortex of either hemisphere, the hindlimb representation area (HLsmc), would undergo structural changes following unilateral FLsmc lesions and whether these changes would also be sensitive to postinjury training on the acrobatic task. ⋯ Acrobatic training also prevented a loss of cortical volume in the HLsmc adjacent to the lesion in comparison to shams. These data suggest that behavioral training following cortical injury facilitates structural plasticity in behaviorally relevant areas of the neocortex other than the homotopic cortex contralateral to the lesion. This structural plasticity might be relevant to the development of behavioral compensation after cortical injury.
Experimental neurology · Dec 2000
Functional MRI at 4.7 tesla of the rat brain during electric stimulation of forepaw, hindpaw, or tail in single- and multislice experiments.
Stimulation of peripheral nerves activates corresponding regions in sensorimotor cortex. We have applied functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques to monitor activated brain regions by means of measuring changes of blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast during electric stimulation of the forepaw, hindpaw, or tail in rats. During alpha-chloralose anesthesia, artificial respiration, and complete muscle relaxation, stimulations were delivered at 3 Hz via subcutaneous bipolar electrodes with 500-microseconds-current pulses of 0.2-2.0 mA. ⋯ Tail stimulation gave rise to a strikingly extended bilateral cortical activation, localized along the midline in medial parietal and frontal cortex 4 and 5 mm posterior to the rhinal fissure. In conclusion, the experiments provide evidence that peripheral nerve stimulation induces a fMRI signal in the respective division of the somatosensory cortex in a stimulus-related manner. The marked cortical activation elicited by tail stimulation underlines the key importance of the tail.
Experimental neurology · Dec 2000
Plasticity in the rat spinal cord seen in response to lesions to the motor cortex during development but not to lesions in maturity.
Motor cortical inputs and proprioreceptive muscle afferents largely target the same spinal cord region. This study explored the idea that during development the two inputs interact via an activity-dependent mechanism to produce mature patterns of innervation. In rats, the forelimb motor cortex was ablated unilaterally at either postnatal day 7 (P7), the beginning of corticospinal synaptogenesis in the cervical cord, or at P50. ⋯ Also, the ratio of parvalbumin-positive neurons contralateral/ipsilateral to the developmental lesion (but not adult lesions) was decreased and the ratio of cJun-positive motoneurons increased. Thus, an early motor cortex lesion resulted in retention of a proportion of muscle afferent synapses to the ventral horn that are known to be lost during normal development. Parvalbumin and cJun are markers of neuronal activity suggesting that spinal circuitry develops permanently altered activity patterns in response to an early cortical lesion, although this plasticity is lost in the mature animal.