Journal of telemedicine and telecare
Across the United States of America, patients are increasingly receiving healthcare using innovative telehealth technologies. As healthcare continues to shift away from traditional office-based visits, providers face new challenges. Telehealth champions are needed to adapt technologies to meet the needs of patients, providers and communities, especially within the realm of primary care specialties. Given these challenges, this intervention aimed to incorporate telemedicine into internal medicine resident training across multiple training years to prepare them for practice in the current and changing healthcare system. ⋯ Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring are an increasingly prevalent form of healthcare delivery. Internal medicine residents must be adept in caring for patients utilizing this technology. This curriculum was effective in improving resident comfort and self-efficacy in providing care through telehealth and provided residents with hands-on opportunities through supervised inclusion in remote patient-monitoring services. This curriculum model could be employed and evaluated within other internal medicine residency programmes to determine the feasibility at institutions with and without advanced telehealth centres.