Human reproduction update
Human reproduction update · May 2006
Developmental model for the pathogenesis of testicular carcinoma in situ: genetic and environmental aspects.
Carcinoma in situ testis (CIS), also known as intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN), is a pre-invasive precursor of testicular germ cell tumours, the commonest cancer type of male adolescents and young adults. In this review, evidence supporting the hypothesis of developmental origin of testicular germ cell cancer is summarized, and the current concepts regarding aetiology and pathogenesis of this disease are critically discussed. Comparative studies of cell surface proteins (e.g. ⋯ Genetic studies, have so far not identified gene polymorphisms predisposing to the most common non-familial testicular cancer, but this research has only recently begun. Association of CIS with other disorders, such as congenital genital malformations and some forms of impaired spermatogenesis, all rising in incidence in a synchronous manner, led to the hypothesis that CIS might be a manifestation of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). The aetiology of TDS including testicular cancer remains to be elucidated, but epidemiological trends suggest a primary role for environmental factors, probably combined with genetic susceptibility.