Human reproduction update
Human reproduction update · Nov 2016
ReviewCryopreservation of testicular tissue or testicular cell suspensions: a pivotal step in fertility preservation.
Germ cell depletion caused by chemical or physical toxicity, disease or genetic predisposition can occur at any age. Although semen cryopreservation is the first reflex for preserving male fertility, this cannot help out prepubertal boys. Yet, these boys do have spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) that able to produce sperm at the start of puberty, which allows them to safeguard their fertility through testicular tissue (TT) cryopreservation. SSC transplantation (SSCT), TT grafting and recent advances in in vitro spermatogenesis have opened new possibilities to restore fertility in humans. However, these techniques are still at a research stage and their efficiency depends on the amount of SSCs available for fertility restoration. Therefore, maintaining the number of SSCs is a critical step in human fertility preservation. Standardizing a successful cryopreservation method for TT and testicular cell suspensions (TCSs) is most important before any clinical application of fertility restoration could be successful. ⋯ Fertility restoration techniques are very promising and expected to be implemented in the clinic in the near future. However, inter-center variability needs to be overcome and the gametes produced for reproduction purposes need to be subjected to safety studies. With the perspective of a future clinical application, there is a dire need to optimize and standardize cryopreservation and safety testing before using frozen-thawed TT of TCSs for fertility restoration.
Human reproduction update · Nov 2016
ReviewThe management of anovulatory infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: an analysis of the evidence to support the development of global WHO guidance.
Here we describe the consensus guideline methodology, summarise the evidence-based recommendations we provided to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for their consideration in the development of global guidance and present a narrative review on the management of anovulatory infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). ⋯ This guidance generation and evidence-synthesis analysis has been conducted in a manner to be considered for global applicability for the safe administration of ovulation induction for anovulatory women with PCOS.