Investigative radiology
Investigative radiology · Apr 2015
Quantitative non-Gaussian diffusion and intravoxel incoherent motion magnetic resonance imaging: differentiation of malignant and benign breast lesions.
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of non-Gaussian diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI for the diagnosis of breast lesions. ⋯ With a proper methodological framework, IVIM MRI can provide valuable information on tissue structure and microvasculature beneficial for the diagnosis of breast cancer lesions.
Investigative radiology · Apr 2015
Microstructural characterization of normal and malignant human prostate tissue with vascular, extracellular, and restricted diffusion for cytometry in tumours magnetic resonance imaging.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of the recently introduced Vascular, Extracellular, and Restricted Diffusion for Cytometry in Tumours (VERDICT) framework for imaging prostate cancer with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) within a clinical setting. ⋯ The VERDICT model distinguished tumor from benign areas, while revealing differences in microstructure descriptors such as cellular, vascular, and EES fractions. The parameters of ADC and kurtosis models also discriminated between cancer and benign regions. However, VERDICT provides more specific information that disentangles the various microstructural features underlying the changes in ADC and kurtosis. These results highlight the clinical potential of the VERDICT framework and motivate the construction of a shorter, clinically viable imaging protocol to enable larger trials leading to widespread translation of the method.
Investigative radiology · Apr 2015
Chemical-shift and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of thymus in myasthenia gravis: usefulness of quantitative assessment.
The objective of this study was to prospectively investigate the usefulness of chemical-shift and diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) for distinguishing thymic lymphoid hyperplasia (TLH), normal thymus (NT), and thymoma (THY) by using the signal intensity index (SII) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). ⋯ CS-MRI and DW-MRI are both useful tools for examining patients with MG. The SII is more accurate than the ADC to differentiate TLH and NT from THY (AUROC, 1.000 and 0.931, respectively). Furthermore, the ADC is a noninvasive parameter that could be used for distinguishing TLH from NT, which is useful in selecting patients for surgery because, for nonthymomatous MG, acceptable rates of complete stable remission after thymectomy are found in TLH but not in NT.
Investigative radiology · Apr 2015
Quantitative relationship of thigh adipose tissue with pain, radiographic status, and progression of knee osteoarthritis: longitudinal findings from the osteoarthritis initiative.
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship of thigh subcutaneous fat (SCF) and intermuscular fat (IMF) content with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) cross-sectionally and longitudinally, using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Specifically, we examined relationships with frequent knee pain, various radiographic strata, and structural progression status of KOA. ⋯ In women, painful knees display greater IMF content than do contralateral pain-free knees. Other between-knee comparisons did not reveal a regional association between radiographic KOA and thigh adipose tissue status. Structural progression of KOA may be associated with greater longitudinal increases in SCF in men and greater increases of IMF in women, compared with nonprogressive controls.
Investigative radiology · Apr 2015
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for predicting pathological response after the first cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI), obtained before and after the first cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), is superior to single-parameter measurements for predicting pathologic complete response (pCR) in patients with breast cancer. ⋯ The multiparametric analysis of DCE-MRI and DWI was superior to the single-parameter measurements for predicting pCR after the first cycle of NAC.