Annals of surgery
The management of impaired respiratory gas exchange in patients with nonuniform posttraumatic and septic adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) contains its own therapeutic paradox, since the need for volume-controlled ventilation and PEEP in the lung with the most reduced compliance increases pulmonary barotrauma to the better lung. A computer-based system has been developed by which respiratory pressure-flow-volume relations and gas exchange characteristics can be obtained and respiratory dynamic and static compliance curves computed and displayed for each lung, as a means of evaluating the effectiveness of ventilation therapy in ARDS. Using these techniques, eight patients with asymmetrical posttraumatic or septic ARDS, or both, have been managed using simultaneous independent lung ventilation (SILV). ⋯ Also, there was x-ray evidence of ARDS improvement in the poorer lung. While the ultimate outcome was largely dependent on the patient's injury and the adequacy of the septic host defense, by utilizing the SILV technique to match the quantitative aspects of respiratory dysfunction in each lung at specific times in the clinical course, it was possible to optimize gas exchange, to reduce barotrauma, and often to reverse apparently fixed ARDS changes. In some instances, this type of physiologically directed ventilatory therapy appeared to contribute to a successful recovery.
The efficacy of supplemental fresh frozen plasma (FFP) therapy after massive packed red cell (PRBC) replacement for hemorrhagic shock was studied in 22 conditioned dogs. Ten dogs were randomized to received FFP, balanced electrolyte solution (BES), and PRBC, while 12 dogs received BES and PRBC. Coagulation factor activity for Factors I, II, V, VII and VIII, as well as antithrombin III (AT III), prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and thrombin time, were measured at preshock, postshock, postresuscitation, and postshock day two. ⋯ The changes in factor activity from postresuscitation until day two reflected factor half life and molecular weight, independent of FFP therapy. These data show that prophylactic FFP therapy does not efficiently restore coagulation activity. Consequently, routine FFP therapy for its procoagulant effects after hemorrhagic shock should be abandoned pending controlled studies in man.