Annals of surgery
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Comparison of outcomes of laparoscopic and open appendectomy in management of uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis.
Several studies have demonstrated the superiority of the laparoscopic approach in uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis with conflicting results. As a result the role of laparoscopy in the management of appendicitis in general and complicated or perforated appendicitis, in particular, is still undefined. ⋯ Laparoscopic appendectomy is superior or comparable to open appendectomy in terms of several surgical outcome measures for both uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis, across most illness severity groups. Thus, laparoscopic appendectomy may be the preferred technique, irrespective of appendicitis diagnosis or disease severity.
Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Arterial resection during pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The majority of pancreatic cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage. As surgical resection remains the only hope for cure, more aggressive surgical approaches have been advocated to increase resection rates. Institutions have begun to release data on their experience with pancreatectomy and simultaneous arterial resection (AR), which has traditionally been considered a general contraindication to resection. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to evaluate the perioperative and long-term outcomes of patients with AR during pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. ⋯ AR in patients undergoing pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer is associated with a poor short and long-term outcome. Pancreatectomy with AR may, however, be justified in highly selected patients owing to the potential survival benefit compared with patients without resection. These patients should be treated within the bounds of clinical trials to assess outcomes after AR in the era of modern pancreatic surgery and multimodal therapy.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Laparoscopy in combination with fast track multimodal management is the best perioperative strategy in patients undergoing colonic surgery: a randomized clinical trial (LAFA-study).
To investigate which perioperative treatment, ie, laparoscopic or open surgery combined with fast track (FT) or standard care, is the optimal approach for patients undergoing segmental resection for colon cancer. ⋯ Optimal perioperative treatment for patients requiring segmental colectomy for colon cancer is laparoscopic resection embedded in a FT program. If open surgery is applied, it is preferentially done in FT care. This study was registered under NTR222 (
Comparative Study
Nonintubated thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer.
To evaluate the feasibility and safety of thoracoscopic lobectomy without endotracheal intubation. ⋯ Nonintubated thoracoscopic lobectomy is technically feasible and is as safe as lobectomy performed with intubation in highly selected patients. It can be a valid alternative of single-lung-ventilated thoracoscopic surgery in managing early-stage NSCLC.
To explore the prevalence of and to identify possible risk factors for chronic pain after surgery for femoral hernia. ⋯ Chronic postoperative pain is as important a complication after femoral hernia surgery as it is after inguinal hernia surgery. In contrast to inguinal hernia surgery, no risk factor related to surgical technique was found. Further investigations into the role of preoperative pain are necessary.