Annals of surgery
Multicenter Study
Where Is the Value in Ambulatory Versus Inpatient Surgery?
The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of index surgical care setting on perioperative costs and readmission rates across 4 common elective general surgery procedures. ⋯ Ambulatory surgery offers significant costs savings and generally superior 30-day outcomes relative to inpatient-based care for appropriately selected patients across 4 common elective general surgery procedures.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
An International Comparison of the Management of Gastrointestinal Surgical Emergencies in Octogenarians-England versus United States: A National Population-based Cohort Study.
To compare the United States and England for the utilization of surgical intervention and in-hospital mortality from 5 gastrointestinal emergencies in octogenarians. ⋯ Surgery is used less commonly in England for emergency gastrointestinal conditions in octogenarians, which may be associated with a high rate of in-hospital mortality from these conditions compared with the USA.
This meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis aims to provide an update on the available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and recommendations on using lightweight mesh (LWM) or heavyweight mesh (HWM) in laparo-endoscopic inguinal hernia repair. ⋯ HWM should be used in laparo-endoscopic repairs of direct or large inguinal hernias to reduce recurrence rates. LWM provide no benefit in indirect hernias.
The number of laparoscopic liver resections undertaken has increased. However, lesions located postero-superiorly are difficult to access. This may be overcome by the novel use of trans-thoracic port(s). Methods for the safe and transparent introduction of new and modified surgical procedures are limited and a summary of these issues, for minimally invasive trans-thoracic liver resections (MITTLR), is lacking. This study aims to understand and summarize technique description, governance procedures, and reporting of outcomes for MITTLR. ⋯ Technical details and governance procedures were poorly described. Outcomes focussed on short term details alone. Transparency is needed for reporting the introduction of new surgical techniques to allow their safe dissemination.
A recently retracted article discussing professionalism and young surgeons incites a social media storm on continued sexism in medical literature in 2020.