Spinal cord
This is a phase I clinical trial. ⋯ Overall, this 2-year trial was not associated with any adverse findings, which may suggest the safety of autologous OEC and bone marrow MSC combination for the treatment of human SCI.
An experimental study. ⋯ Combination of assessments in our study allowed to examine spinothalamic and dorsal column functions in individuals with SCI. Changes in QST, CHEPs and LEPs were detected below the level of injury independent of NeP and at the control site indicating modifications in sensory processing rostral to the spinal lesion. Analysis of RT during laser stimulation could be an essential component when evaluating the somatosensory functions related to NeP in persons with SCI.
Multicenter Study
Baseline severity of myelopathy predicts neurological outcomes after posterior decompression surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a retrospective study.
Retrospective multicenter study. ⋯ The combination of the baseline severity of myelopathy and age can predict postoperative symptom states after posterior decompression surgery for CSM.
A retrospective study. ⋯ This study demonstrated that more severe categories of SINS were associated with higher degrees of ESCC, and surgical interventions were more often utilized in this group with more frequent placement of spinal instrumentation. Although SINS did not predict patient prognosis, it correlates with the progression of metastatic instability in patients treated with radiotherapy.