Brain research
This study examined whether spinal cord stimulation (SCS) at intensities below motor threshold (MT) produces cutaneous vasodilation through sympathetic inhibition and/or antidromic activation of sensory fibers. SCS was applied to anesthetized rats with stimulus parameters used clinically, i.e. 50 Hz, 0.2 ms and stimulus intensities at 30, 60 or 90% of MT. SCS-induced vasodilation was not attenuated by hexamethonium, an autonomic ganglion blocking agent, but was abolished by CGRP-(8-37), an antagonist of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor. We concluded that SCS-induced vasodilation under the conditions of this study was mediated by peripheral release of CGRP via antidromic activation of sensory fibers.
It is well documented that there is an increase in the number of sympathetic fibers within the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) after a peripheral nerve injury. The present study examined the numbers and distribution of sympathetic fibers in the DRG and their sprouting routes by utilizing various surgical manipulations and retrograde tracing and immunohistochemical staining methods in spinal nerve-ligated neuropathic rats. The appearance of many double immunostained fibers with antibodies to tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43) in the L5 DRG 1 week after L5 spinal nerve ligation, indicated sprouting of sympathetic fibers. ⋯ A second cut proximal to the previously ligated L5 spinal nerve -- a process which would transect the regenerating sympathetic fibers extending from the injury site -- did not change the density of sympathetic fibers in the L5 DRG. When retrograde tracers (fast blue and diamidino yellow) were injected into the L5 spinal nerve and DRG, respectively, the number of double-labeled sympathetic postganglionic neurons was greatly increased after spinal nerve ligation, suggesting the increased number of sympathetic neurons projecting to both the spinal nerve and DRG. All these results indicate that many sympathetic fibers in the DRG are regenerating branches that are sprouting from the proximal part of the injured spinal nerve (regenerative collateral sprouting).
Comparative Study
A comparative evaluation of the neurotoxic properties of ketamine and nitrous oxide.
The general anesthetics, nitrous oxide (N(2)O) and ketamine, are NMDA antagonists which, like other NMDA antagonists such as MK801, induce a neurotoxic reaction in the rat brain. For MK801 neurotoxicity, both age and sex are important variables (adult rats are more sensitive than immature rats and females are more sensitive than males). In this study we found that ketamine has this same age and sex dependency profile, and N(2)O has the same age but not sex dependency. Male and female rats are equally sensitive to N(2)O neurotoxicity.
This study was aimed to investigate the possible involvement of neurons in the cuneate nucleus (CN) in the processing of A beta afferent inputs evoked by electrical stimulation of constricted median nerve in rats with behavioral signs of neuropathic pain. Immunohistochemical localization of Fos protein was used to examine the neuronal activation, and the combination of Fos immunohistochemistry with the retrograde labeling of Fluoro-Gold (FG) injected into the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus was used to characterize the activated neurons. Two weeks after unilateral median nerve constriction injury, the rats exhibited behavioral signs of neuropathic pain in the affected forepaws. ⋯ In the latter, the Fos-LI neurons were located in the median nerve projection territory throughout the nucleus. Most of the Fos-LI neurons were distributed in the middle region of the CN, with about 78% of them emitting FG fluorescence indicating that they were cuneothalamic projection neurons. The results of this study suggest that the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system may contribute to the transmission and modulation of A beta-fiber mediated neuropathic pain signals.
Leptin is secreted by adipose tissue and thought to regulate appetite at the central level. Several studies have explored the central nervous system (CNS) entry of this peptide across the blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barriers in parallel, but this is the first to explore the transport kinetics of leptin across the choroid plexus (blood-CSF barrier) in isolation from the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This is important as the presence of both barriers can lead to ambiguous results from transport studies. ⋯ Experiments using 0.5 nM leptin in the Ringer produced a concentration of leptin in the CSF of 12 pM (similar to that measured in humans). [(125)I]Leptin uptake at the blood-plexus interface using the single-circulation paired tracer dilution technique (uptake in <60 s) indicated the presence of a saturable transport system, which followed Michaelis-Menten-type kinetics (K(m)=16.3+/-1.8 nM, V(max)=41.2+/-1.4 pmol min(-1) g(-1)), and a non-saturable component (K(d)=0.065+/-0.002 ml min(-1) g(-1)). In addition, secretion of new CSF by the choroid plexuses was significantly decreased with leptin present. This study indicates that leptin transport at the blood-CSF barrier is via saturable and non-saturable mechanisms and that the choroid plexus is involved in the regulation of leptin availability to the brain.