Manual therapy
Randomized Controlled Trial
Cervical lateral glide increases nociceptive flexion reflex threshold but not pressure or thermal pain thresholds in chronic whiplash associated disorders: A pilot randomised controlled trial.
Sensory hypersensitivity indicative of augmented central pain processing is a feature of chronic whiplash associated disorders (WAD). This study investigated the immediate effects of a cervical spine manual therapy (SMT) technique on measures of central hyperexcitability. In a randomised, single blind, clinical trial, 39 participants with chronic WAD were randomly assigned to a cervical SMT (lateral glide) or manual contact intervention. ⋯ PPTs at the cervical spine increased following both SMT (mean +/- SE: 24.1 +/- 7.3%) and manual contact (21 +/- 8.4%) with no difference between interventions. There was no difference between interventions for pain ratings with the NFR test, PPTs at the Median Nerve or Tibialis Anterior, heat or cold TPT. SMT may be effective in reducing spinal hyperexcitability in chronic WAD.
Central sensitization plays an important role in the pathophysiology of numerous musculoskeletal pain disorders, yet it remains unclear how manual therapists can recognize this condition. Therefore, mechanism based clinical guidelines for the recognition of central sensitization in patients with musculoskeletal pain are provided. ⋯ The diagnosis/assessment of central sensitization in individual patients with musculoskeletal pain is not straightforward, however manual therapists can use information obtained from the medical diagnosis, combined with the medical history of the patient, as well as the clinical examination and the analysis of the treatment response in order to recognize central sensitization. The clinical examination used to recognize central sensitization entails the distinction between primary and secondary hyperalgesia.
The aim of this cross-sectional pilot-study was to investigate the relationship between psychological distress and free-living physical activity (PA) in individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Thirty-eight participants with non-specific CLBP (29=distressed; 9=non-distressed) were recruited. PA levels were measured using an accelerometer (activPAL activity monitor) over a one week period. ⋯ Depressive symptoms were a statistically significant independent predictor of time upright (beta=-0.49, p<0.05). This pilot-study found that individuals with CLBP and elevated levels of distress spend less time upright than their non-distressed counterparts. Clinically, when treating individuals with CLBP and elevated distress levels, free-living PA may be low and interventions aimed at increasing upright activity may be appropriate.
Comparative Study
Relationships between pain thresholds, catastrophizing and gender in acute whiplash injury.
The mechanisms underlying sensory hypersensitivity (SH) in acute whiplash associated disorders (WAD) are not well understood. We examined the extent of the relationships between the sensory measures of pressure pain threshold (PPT) and cold pain threshold (CPT), catastrophizing, pain and disability levels and gender in acute WAD. Thirty-seven subjects reporting neck pain following a motor vehicle accident were examined within five weeks post-injury. ⋯ Finally, gender modulated the relationships between sensory measures, catastrophizing, and pain and disability levels. In conclusion, subjects with higher levels of catastrophizing presented with sensory hypersensitivity to cold stimuli in the acute phase of whiplash. Differences between genders are in accordance with the growing body of evidence suggesting that the relationships between some psychological factors and injury-related symptoms are modulated by gender.
Spinal stabilisation exercises are commonly used in the management of low back pain (LBP). There is limited evidence relating to patients' experiences of their involvement in such programmes. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of a sample of individuals with chronic LBP who participated in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) investigating the most efficacious dosage and frequency of spinal stabilisation exercises. ⋯ Four themes emerged: Physical dimensions of the LBP experience, emotional and psychological dimensions of the LBP experience and perceived effects of the programme and lastly, the impact of the treatment programme on participants' knowledge, understanding and adherence. In conclusion participants' experiences were not limited to the positive effects of stabilisation exercises on pain, functional disability and quality of life, but also reflected increases in confidence, the formulation of self help strategies and the ability to exert better control over their LBP. The findings highlight the importance of well planned associated educational support packages in the treatment of LBP paving the way for future qualitative research.