Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice
Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract · Oct 2017
ReviewClinician behaviors in telehealth care delivery: a systematic review.
Literature on telehealth care delivery often addresses clinical, cost, technological, system, and organizational impacts. Less is known about interpersonal behaviors such as communication patterns and therapeutic relationship-building, which may have workforce development considerations. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review to identify interpersonal health care provider (HCP) behaviors and attributes related to provider-patient interaction during care in telehealth delivery. ⋯ Six themes were identified: HCP-based support for telehealth delivery; provider-patient interactions during the telehealth event; environmental attributes; and guidelines for education interventions or evaluation of HCP behaviors. Although unable to identify current best practices, important considerations for practice and education did emerge. These include: perceptions of the utility of telehealth; differences in communication patterns such as pace and type of discourse, reliance on visual cues by both provider and patient especially in communicating empathy and building rapport; and confidentiality and privacy in telehealth care delivery.
Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract · Oct 2017
Observational StudySelf-entrustment: how trainees' self-regulated learning supports participation in the workplace.
Clinical workplaces offer postgraduate trainees a wealth of opportunities to learn from experience. To promote deliberate and meaningful learning self-regulated learning skills are foundational. We explored trainees' learning activities related to patient encounters to better understand what aspects of self-regulated learning contribute to trainees' development, and to explore supervisor's role herein. ⋯ Self-confidence, reflection and feedback, and support from the supervisor are important aspects of self-regulated learning in practice. The results reflect how self-regulated learning and self-entrustment promote trainees' increased participation in the workplace. Securing organized moments of interaction with supervisors is beneficial to trainees' self-regulated learning.