Pain research & management : the journal of the Canadian Pain Society = journal de la société canadienne pour le traitement de la douleur
Review Meta Analysis
Preoperative Ketamine Gargle for Prevention of Postoperative Sore Throat After Tracheal Intubation in Adults: A Meta-Analysis.
Objective: This meta-analysis aims to evaluate the impact of preoperative ketamine gargle on postoperative throat pain in patients undergoing general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation (ETI). Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in databases including PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus,, and others. Data analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4 and Stata Statistical Software 18 (StataCorp., Texas., United States of America). ⋯ The results demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of postoperative sore throat at 0, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h after the operation (0 h: OR: 0.14; 95% CI: 0.04-0.47; p=0.002; I 2 = 67%; 2 h: OR: 0.30; 95% CI: 0.17-0.52; p < 0.0001; I 2 = 31%; 4 h: OR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.20-0.52; p < 0.00001; I 2 = 0%; 8 h: OR: 0.40; 95% CI: 0.23-0.70; p=0.001; I 2 = 29%; 24 h: OR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.25-0.51; p < 0.00001; I 2 = 0%) in patients who received ketamine gargle compared to those who received a placebo. In addition, our meta-analysis indicated that ketamine gargle did not result in a reduction in anesthesia time (min) (MD: -1.16; 95% CI: -6.44-4.11; p=0.67). Conclusion: Our meta-analysis demonstrated the efficacy of prophylactic ketamine gargle in reducing the incidence of POST across all studied time intervals in patients requiring tracheal intubation of general anesthesia compared to placebo.
Review Meta Analysis
Myofascial Release for the Treatment of Tension-Type, Cervicogenic Headache or Migraine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
To assess the effectiveness of myofascial release (MFR) techniques on the intensity of headache pain and associated disability in patients with tension-type headache (TTH), cervicogenic headache (CGH), or migraine. ⋯ The meta-analysis results indicate that MFR intervention can significantly alleviate pain and disability in TTH and CGH. For migraine, however, the results were inconsistent, and there was only moderate quality evidence of disability improvement for TTH and CGH. In contrast, the quality of other evidence was low or very low.
Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Anesthesia Methods in Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy: A Network Meta-Analysis.
Background: The objective of this study was to systematically evaluate the safety and efficacy of local anesthesia, general anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia in percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD). Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, and OVID databases for all relevant studies. All statistical analysis was performed using STATA 17.0. ⋯ Epidural anesthesia is most advantageous in anesthesia satisfaction and postoperative VAS scores. General anesthesia is most advantageous in postoperative ODI. In the future, more multicenter RCTs are needed to further compare the safety and effectiveness of different anesthesia methods in PELD.
Meta Analysis
The Causal Relationship between Angina Pectoris and Gout Based on Two Sample Mendelian Randomization.
Two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) was conducted to assess the causal relationship between angina pectoris and gout. Material and Methods. Based on genome-wide association studies, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were closely associated with gout were selected from the UK Biobank-Neale Lab (ukb-a-107) as genetic instrumental variables. Considering that gout is characterized by elevated blood uric acid levels, SNPs related to blood uric acid levels were screened from BioBank Japan (bbj-a-57) as auxiliary gene instrumental variables. SNPs closely associated with angina pectoris onset were screened from the FINN dataset (finn-b-I9_ANGINA) as outcome variables. Two-sample MR was conducted, with inverse variance weighting (IVW) of the random effects model as the primary result, along with the weighted median method (WME) and the MR-Egger regression method. To further confirm the causal relationship between angina and gout incidence, a meta-analysis was conducted on the IVW results of the ukb-a-107 and bbj-a-57. ⋯ This MR study found a clear causal relationship between angina pectoris and gout, which increases the risk of angina pectoris.
Review Meta Analysis
Emerging Therapeutic Modalities and Pharmacotherapies in Neuropathic Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Parallel Randomized Controlled Trials.
Background: Neuropathic pain (NP) is a chronic condition caused by abnormal neuronal excitability in the nervous system. Current treatments for NP are often ineffective or poorly tolerated. Hence, we reviewed the efficacy and safety of novel drugs or devices that target neuronal excitability in NP patients compared with placebo, sham, or usual care interventions. ⋯ Certainty of evidence was very low according to GRADE assessment. Conclusions: Our review indicates that device-based interventions are more effective than control interventions in reducing pain intensity in NP. Nevertheless, available evidence is limited due to heterogeneity and publication bias, prompting the need for more high-quality RCTs to confirm the efficacy and safety of these interventions.