Respirology : official journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Meta Analysis
Do glucocorticoids decrease mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome? A meta-analysis.
Glucocorticoids have been shown to improve survival when used in patients with septic shock. The aim of this study was to analyse the role of glucocorticoids in decreasing mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) both in the acute and the fibroproliferative phases. ⋯ Current evidence does not support a role for corticosteroids in the management of ARDS in either the early or late stages of the disease. More research is required to establish the role of steroids in specific subgroups of patients with severe sepsis and early ARDS who have relative adrenal insufficiency and patients with late ARDS 7-14 days after the onset of disease.
Macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC/CCL22) is recognized as a T-helper (Th) 2-type chemokine. Both malignant and tuberculous pleural effusions are typically lymphocytic pleural effusions. Tuberculous pleural effusions have a more polarized Th1 reaction than malignant effusions, which are predominantly Th2 in nature. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of MDC in malignant pleural effusions with those in tuberculous pleural effusions to help delineate the role of MDC in Th2 versus Th1 effusions. ⋯ MDC has been reported to both promote and suppress antitumour immunity. The low concentration of MDC in malignant effusions is likely to minimise its antitumour activity but the precise role of MDC in malignant and tuberculous effusions needs to be investigated further.
An 18-year-old patient had a large traumatic pulmonary pneumatocoele diagnosed 5 years after being involved in motor vehicle accident. She had minimal symptoms and CXR and pulmonary function tests were unremarkable; diagnosis was by CT scan.
In the low pressure environment of commercial aircraft, hypoxaemia may be common and accentuated in patients with lung or heart disease. Regulations specify a cabin pressure not lower than 750 hPa but it is not known whether this standard is met. This knowledge is important in determining the hazards of commercial flight for patients and the validity of current flight simulation tests. ⋯ Cabin pressure is determined only by the engineering of the aircraft and its altitude and in the present study was always higher than required by regulation. Current fitness-to-fly evaluations simulate cabin conditions that passengers will not experience on these aircraft. There may be increased risks to patients should new or older aircraft operate nearer to the present minimum standard.
The experimental model of pleurodesis in rabbits has been useful in understanding the pathophysiology of the pleural inflammatory injury induced by several sclerosing agents. However, restrictions on the use of rabbits in laboratory investigation are making this model less accessible. The aim of this study was to present a new experimental model of pleurodesis in mice using talc or silver nitrate. ⋯ Both talc 4 mg/g and 0.05% silver nitrate produced an efficient pleurodesis in this experimental model in mice. This new model may overcome the restrictions on the use of large- and medium-sized animals in laboratory investigation and may open new fields of investigation with knockout mice.