Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors
Background: The care required for patients at times necessitates they be transferred to another hospital capable of providing specialized care, a process known as an interfacility transfer. Delays to appropriate care for critically ill patients are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Improving efficiencies in interfacility transport process can thus expedite the time to critical treatment. ⋯ Prepatching reduced in-hospital time by 4 minutes at the 90th quantile across all patients. Conclusion: Prepatching reduced paramedic in-hospital time for emergent interfacility transports. Although the clinical impact of this reduction in time is uncertain, prepatching may serve in facilitating shared mental modeling between paramedics and TMPs which may be beneficial to patient safety and team performance.
Background: With the emergence of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), appropriate training for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel on personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential. We aimed: 1) to examine the change in proportions of EMS personnel reporting awareness of and training in PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic; and 2) to determine factors associated with reporting these outcomes. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of data collected from October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 from currently working, nationally certified EMS personnel (n = 15,339), assessing N95 respirator fit testing; training in air purified respirators (APR) or powered APR (PAPR) use; and training on PPE use for chemical, biological, and nuclear (CBN) threats. ⋯ Factors consistently associated with lower odds of awareness/training included part-time employment, providing 9-1-1 response service, working at a non-fire-based EMS agency, and working in a rural setting. Conclusions: CDC guidance on COVID-19 for EMS may have increased N95 fit testing and training, but there remain substantial gaps in training on PPE use among EMS personnel. As the pandemic continues in our communities, EMS agencies should be supported in efforts to adequately prepare their staff.
In most states, prehospital professionals (PHPs) are mandated reporters of suspected abuse but cite a lack of training as a challenge to recognizing and reporting physical abuse. We developed a learning platform for the visual diagnosis of pediatric abusive versus non-abusive burn and bruise injuries and examined the amount and rate of skill acquisition. ⋯ An online module utilizing deliberate practice led to measurable skill improvement among PHPs for differentiating abusive from non-abusive burn and bruise injuries.
Observational Study
Description of Adverse Events in a Cohort of Dance Festival Attendees with Stimulant-Induced Severe Agitation Treated with Dissociative-Dose Ketamine.
Emergency clinicians often treat severe agitation resulting from intoxicants, psychiatric illness, and other CNS or systemic diseases. Recreational drugs-especially stimulants-are frequently used by attendees of electronic dance music festivals (EDMFs), and festivalgoers may become dangerously agitated and pose an immediate threat to themselves and others. Although benzodiazepines and antipsychotics are classically used to treat severe agitation, these medications are burdened by safety concerns including respiratory depression and cardiac arrhythmias. The effects of ketamine when used to treat severe agitation in an exclusive cohort of patients with psychostimulant drug-induced toxicity (PDIT) has not previously been reported, and existing literature describes a widely variant safety profile when ketamine is used for sedation of the agitated patient. ⋯ In this cohort of festival attendees who developed stimulant-induced severe agitation and were treated with dissociative-dose ketamine, serious adverse events occurred in 5.9% of patients including one patient who was intubated.
Objective: We sought to determine if Emergency Medical Services (EMS) identified Persons Under Investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 are associated with hospitalizations for COVID-19 disease for the purposes of serving as a potential early indicator of hospital surge. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted using data from the Maryland statewide EMS electronic medical records and daily COVID-19 hospitalizations from March 13, 2020 through July 31, 2020. All unique EMS patients who were identified as COVID-19 PUIs during the study period were included. ⋯ Conclusions: A strong correlation between EMS PUIs and COVID-19 hospitalizations was noted in this state-wide analysis. These findings demonstrate the potential value of incorporating EMS clinical information into the development of a robust syndromic surveillance system for COVID-19. This correlation has important utility in the development of predictive tools and models that seek to provide indicators of an impending surge on the healthcare system at large.