Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors
Objective: Shift work is an established risk factor for poor health yet is necessary for paramedics to provide continuous care to the public. It is unknown how early into a career shift work may begin to impact health. This study sought to identify changes in cardiometabolic health, diet, aerobic capacity, physical activity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in graduate paramedics during the first 12-months of their career. ⋯ Conclusions: Dietary patterns, HRQoL, cardiometabolic health, aerobic capacity and physical activity levels did not change meaningfully in the first year of practice. Some dietary behaviors and physical activity levels could be improved and may mitigate health effects of exposure to shift work. Long-term follow-up of this group may aid in developing programs to enhance health for paramedics and other health workers.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Association between Scene Time Interval and Survival in EMS-Treated Major Trauma Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: A Multinational, Multicenter Observational Study.
Objective: Major trauma is a major concern in public health and a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This study aimed to evaluate the association between the prehospital scene time interval (STI) and survival in emergency medical service (EMS)-assessed major trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: A retrospective observational study using the Pan-Asian Trauma Outcomes Study (PATOS) database was conducted. ⋯ Conclusion: In EMS-assessed adult major trauma patients admitted to the ICU, we found significant associations between STIs longer than 8 minutes and outcomes. EMS intervention has a positive interaction effect with an intermediate STI on survival. More research is needed to understand the implications of practice for major trauma in the field.
Background: Traumatic hemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable death, and its effects are often evident within the first 24 hours of hospital admission. We investigated the relationship between prehospital lactate measurement and administration of hospital blood products and life-saving interventions (LSIs) within 24 hours of hospital admission. Methods: We included trauma patients with recorded prehospital venous lactate transported by a single critical care transport service to a Level I trauma center between 2012 and 2019. ⋯ Conclusions: Higher concentrations of prehospital lactate were associated with the need for in-hospital blood transfusion within 24 hours of admission. The relationship between lactate and blood transfusion persisted among normotensive patients. Further work is needed to incorporate prehospital lactate into decision support tools for prehospital blood administration.
Objective: EMS use of lights and sirens has long been employed in EMS systems, despite an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions associated with their use. The specific aims of this study were to assess the current use of lights and sirens during the transport of trauma patients in a busy metropolitan area and to subsequently develop a novel tool, the Critical Intervention Screen, to aid EMS professionals tasked with making transport decisions in the presence of acute injury. Methods: This single-center, retrospective study included all patients transported to an academic Level One trauma center by ground ambulance from the scene of presumed or known injury. ⋯ The Critical Intervention Screen, defined as having at least one of these risk factors in the prehospital setting, modestly increased sensitivity and specificity (96.4% and 87.9%, respectively) predicting the need for a critical intervention. Conclusion: These findings indicate that EMS are able to correctly identify high-acuity trauma patients, but at times employ L&S during the transport of patients with a low likelihood of receiving a time-sensitive intervention upon emergency department arrival. Therefore, the Critical Intervention Screen has the potential to reduce the use of lights and sirens and improve EMS safety.
Mass casualty incidents (MCIs) are rare in wilderness and mountain settings. Few case studies have reported the response of such events within jurisdictions with well-developed trauma and emergency medical services systems (EMS). Here we explore a MCI in a wilderness setting on the Columbia Icefield inside the Jasper National Park within the Canadian Rocky Mountains. ⋯ Readers are reminded of the importance of aeromedical surge capacity in allowing for effective distribution of patients to multiple receiving facilities. Our experience aligns with and reinforces many of the recommendations for wilderness MCI management; however, future research should focus on determining optimal triage strategies for mountain MCIs. Furthermore, future research should explore optimal strategies for developing a rescue chain given the availability of mixed transport resources, as well as the role of physicians in MCI response and where they are best placed in the incident command system.