Behaviour research and therapy
Randomized Controlled Trial
A randomized controlled trial of Internet-based self-help training for recurrent headache in childhood and adolescence.
Two different self-help training programs (multimodal cognitive-behavioral training (CBT) and applied relaxation (AR)) presented via the Internet were compared with an educational intervention (EDU) in an RCT. Sixty-five children and adolescents (mean age: 12.7 years) with recurrent headache (at least 2 attacks per month) were each assigned to one of the three treatment conditions. The main outcome variables related to changes in headache frequency, intensity and duration as well as the responder rate (50% reduction of headache frequency) and NNTs. ⋯ CBT showed the highest within-effect size in headache frequency, duration and pain catastrophizing. The results support the use of Internet programs for pediatric recurrent headache, especially given their accessibility and suitability for children and adolescents. Further studies are needed to improve their quality and efficacy.