Aging & mental health
Aging & mental health · May 2006
Bereavement after caregiving or unexpected death: effects on elderly spouses.
Responses to bereavement have been shown to vary depending on whether death is expected or unexpected, and on the nature of family caregiving experiences, but little previous research has examined these factors simultaneously. To address these issues, we utilized prospective data on bereavement from 193 participants in the Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC) study, who were assessed both before their loss and at six and 18 months after the death. ⋯ All groups except highly stressed caregivers showed improvements in social activity and support after bereavement, suggesting that highly stressed caregivers may be at an increased risk for social isolation during bereavement. Thus experiencing an unexpected death may put bereaved spouses at risk for depression, while high-stress caregiving may lead to problems with social isolation.
The purpose of this study was to examine factors associated with life satisfaction in the oldest-old within a spectrum of psychosocial and health related variables. Scores on the life satisfaction index (LSI-Z) were related to scales and questions regarding, demographics, depression, locus of control, cognitive function, functional capacity (instrumental and personal activities of daily living), self-rated overall health and medically based health, and social network. The sample consisted of 315 participants, aged 80-98 years; (M = 83 years, 66% women). ⋯ However, there were different patterns of variables associated with life satisfaction in men and women. Self-rated overall health and depressive symptoms were related to life satisfaction in women, whereas widowhood was significantly associated with lower life satisfaction among men. The results emphasize the need to analyse associates of life satisfaction within a broader context of psychosocial variables and separately for men and women.