Aging & mental health
Aging & mental health · Jul 2011
Psychotropic medication discussions in older adults' primary care office visits: So much to do, so little time.
To examine discussions of psychotropic medications during the older patient's visit to primary care physicians, identify how physician's competing demands influence these discussions, describe different scenarios physicians utilize to address mental health complaints of older adults, and recommend best practices for diagnosing and treating such patients. ⋯ Competing demands may constrain discussions of psychotropic medications. Given the seriousness of mental illness in late life, system-level changes may be needed to correctly diagnose mental illness, take more proactive actions to improve mental health, and enhance information exchange concerning psychotropic medication in a manner that meets patients' needs.
Aging & mental health · Jul 2011
Comparative StudyHow depression and other mental health problems can affect future living standards of those out of the labour force.
To estimate the extent to which those who exit the workforce early due to mental health problems have less savings by the time they reach retirement age. ⋯ People who retire from the labour force early due to mental health problems will face long term financial disadvantage compared to people who are able to remain in employment.
Aging & mental health · Jul 2011
Developing capacities in aging studies in the Middle East: Implementation of an Arabic version of the CANE IV among community-dwelling older adults in Lebanon.
To assess the feasibility, reliability, and construct validity of the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) in identifying needs among community-dwelling older adults in South Lebanon with a view towards expanding ageing research in the country. ⋯ The Arabic version of the CANE appears acceptable in assessing needs of older adults in South Lebanon. Given that the CANE is an interesting tool that promotes the integration of older persons' perspectives for appropriate interventions, further research is recommended to establish its validity and applicability in other communities in Lebanon and the region.