Health technology assessment : HTA
Health Technol Assess · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled TrialLow-dose oral theophylline combined with inhaled corticosteroids for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and high risk of exacerbations: a RCT.
Despite widespread use of therapies such as inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs), people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) continue to suffer, have reduced life expectancy and utilise considerable NHS resources. Laboratory investigations have demonstrated that at low plasma concentrations (1-5 mg/l) theophylline markedly enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of corticosteroids in COPD. ⋯ To promote consideration of the findings of this trial in national and international COPD guidelines.
Health Technol Assess · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Pragmatic Clinical TrialExercise- and strategy-based physiotherapy-delivered intervention for preventing repeat falls in people with Parkinson's: the PDSAFE RCT.
People with Parkinson's disease are twice as likely to experience a fall as a healthy older person, often leading to debilitating effects on confidence, activity levels and quality of life. ⋯ Further trials of falls prevention on targeted groups of people with Parkinson's disease are recommended.
Health Technol Assess · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialTranexamic acid to improve functional status in adults with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: the TICH-2 RCT.
Tranexamic acid reduces death due to bleeding after trauma and postpartum haemorrhage. ⋯ Future work should focus on enrolling and treating patients early after stroke and identify which participants are most likely to benefit from haemostatic therapy. Large randomised trials are needed.
Health Technol Assess · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialAnaesthetic-analgesic ear drops to reduce antibiotic consumption in children with acute otitis media: the CEDAR RCT.
Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common reason for primary care consultations and antibiotic prescribing in children. Options for improved pain control may influence antibiotic prescribing and consumption. ⋯ The observed reduction in antibiotic consumption following the prescription of ear drops requires replication in a larger study. Future work should establish if the effect of ear drops is due to pain relief.
Health Technol Assess · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialCultural adaptation of an existing children's weight management programme: the CHANGE intervention and feasibility RCT.
Excess weight in children is a continuing health issue. Community-based children's weight management programmes have had some effect in promoting weight loss. Families from minority ethnic communities are less likely to complete these programmes but, to date, no programmes have been culturally adapted to address this. ⋯ The theoretically informed, culturally adapted children's weight management programme was highly acceptable to children and families of all ethnicities. Consideration should be given to a future trial to evaluate clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the adapted programme, but the design of a future trial would need to address the logistics of data collection, participant burden and study attrition.