CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne
Physicians for Global Survival (Canada), formerly known as Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, has changed its name and broadened its mission in an effort to increase membership. The group's international interests include banning antipersonnel land mines and having the threat or use of nuclear weapons declared illegal. ⋯ The president-elect Dr. Konia Trouton of the University of Calgary, says the association is the "ethical voice of the medical profession in its concern for social justice."
Review Practice Guideline Guideline
Guidelines for the emergency management of asthma in adults. CAEP/CTS Asthma Advisory Committee. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians and the Canadian Thoracic Society.
To develop a set of comprehensive, standardized evidence-based guidelines for the assessment and treatment of acute asthma in adults in the emergency setting. ⋯ The guidelines share the same principles of those from the British Thoracic Society and the National Institutes of Health. Two specific validation initiatives have been undertaken: (a) several Canadian centres have been involved in the collection of comprehensive administrative data to assess compliance and outcome measures and (b) a survey of Canadian emergency physicians conducted to gather baseline informaton of treatment patterns, was conducted before development of the guidelines and will be repeated to re-evaluate emergency management of asthma.
This month Canada will host the largest conference ever held on the worldwide epidemic of AIDS. More than 12,000 participants from over 130 countries are expected to convene in Vancouver from July 7 to 12 for the XI International Conference on AIDS. ⋯ The pandemic is still growing at an alarming rate, and governments need to be reminded that a failure to commit funding and resources to the extension of programs for AIDS research, prevention and care is both cynical and unwise. Now is the time to redouble our efforts, not to abandon them.
A recent conference on physician health cosponsored by the CMA and American Medical Association provided some sobering news. One physician reported on the suicides of physicians practising in the US. ⋯ Patricia Tighe. "They have become like factory workers who can't take pride in their work and are denied a sense of belonging. They are part of a corporate enterprise, to be dispensed with when they are not profitable, and subjected to penalties if their work doesn't measure up".