CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne
Questions of resource allocation can pose practical and ethical dilemmas for clinicians. In the Aristotelian conception of distributive justice, the unequal allocation of a scarce resource may be justified by morally relevant factors such as need or likelihood of benefit. Even using these criteria, it can be difficult to reconcile completing claims to determine which patients should be given priority. ⋯ Although the courts have been reluctant to become involved in allocation decisions in health care, they expect physicians to show allegiance to their patients regardless of budgetary concerns. The allocation of resources on the basis of clinically irrelevant factors such as religion or sexual orientation is prohibited. Clear, fair and publicly acceptable institutional and professional policies can help to ensure that resource allocation decisions are transparent and defensible.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Understanding and enhancing compliance with the second dose of hepatitis B vaccine: a cohort analysis and a randomized controlled trial.
To determine the predictors and extent of noncompliance with a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine and the effectiveness of a compliance enhancement strategy. ⋯ Hepatitis B vaccine recipients with lower educational levels are at increased risk of noncompliance with the second dose of vaccine but are highly responsive to telephone reminders.