CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne
Review Meta Analysis
Concordance of effects of medical interventions on hospital admission and readmission rates with effects on mortality.
Many clinical trials examine a composite outcome of admission to hospital and death, or infer a relationship between hospital admission and survival benefit. This assumes concordance of the outcomes "hospital admission" and "death." However, whether the effects of a treatment on hospital admissions and readmissions correlate to its effect on serious outcomes such as death is unknown. We aimed to assess the correlation and concordance of effects of medical interventions on admission rates and mortality. ⋯ In this metaepidemiological study, admission and mortality outcomes did not correlate, and discordances occurred in about one-third of the treatment comparisons included in our analyses. Both outcomes convey useful information and should be reported separately, but extrapolating the benefits of admission to survival is unreliable and should be avoided.
Review Case Reports
Severe transient neutropenia with fever and abdominal pain in a 30-year-old man.