British journal of anaesthesia
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Effect of different doses of inhaled nitric oxide on pulmonary capillary pressure and on longitudinal distribution of pulmonary vascular resistance in ARDS.
Inhaled nitric oxide lowers pulmonary capillary pressure (PCP) in animals and in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A dose-response relationship in patients with ARDS has not yet been established. Therefore, we studied the effects of four concentrations of nitric oxide (1, 10, 20 and 40 volumes per million (vpm)) in random order, on PCP in 19 patients with ARDS. ⋯ In both groups, the nitric oxide-induced decrease in pre-capillary vascular resistance was small with a maximum effect at 1 vpm. In ARDS, vasodilatation of pre-capillary vessels is achieved at low concentrations of nitric oxide, whereas the effect of nitric oxide on postcapillary vessels is variable. Higher concentrations may be required for optimal post-capillary vasodilatation in a subgroup of ARDS patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Thiopental or etomidate for rapid sequence induction with rocuronium.
We have assessed the effect of the choice of i.v. induction agent on intubation conditions, 60 s after administration of rocuronium 0.6 mg kg-1. We studied 60 adult patients, allocated randomly to one of two groups. Anaesthesia was induced with alfentanil 10 micrograms kg-1 followed by thiopental 5 mg kg-1 (AT-R group; n = 30) or etomidate 0.3 mg kg-1 (AE-R group; n = 30). ⋯ The difference between the two groups was not significant. Of the three components of the intubation score assessed, response to intubation stimulus was significantly less pronounced in group AE-R compared with group AT-R (P < 0.05): group AE-R, no reaction in 24 patients, slight diaphragmatic movement in five and mild coughing in one patient; group AT-R, no reaction in 13, slight diaphragmatic movement in 14, mild coughing in two and severe coughing in one patient. We conclude that etomidate as part of an induction regimen containing alfentanil and rocuronium attenuated the reaction to intubation to a greater extent than thiopental.
Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting (MIDCAB) is becoming a popular adjunct to standard cardiac bypass surgery in selected patients with accessible single or double vessel disease. However, the limited anterior thoracotomy used to access the heart involves trauma to the muscle tissue during removal of the fourth costal cartilage and a small piece of connected rib, perhaps leading to more severe postoperative pain compared with patients undergoing routine sternotomy. Intrathecal opioids can be used but have limited therapeutic duration and there is concern regarding anticoagulation. We present a case where soft tissue catheters were placed into the depths of the surgical wounds and pain was diminished greatly by intermittent regular infiltration with bupivacaine.
Video-intuboscopy gives a video display of the view from the tip of the tracheal tube during conventional laryngoscopy, and was developed particularly to assist the immediate management of unexpected difficult intubation. A lightweight, malleable video-optical intubation stylet transmits the view from the stylet tip onto a monitor. It is inserted in the tracheal tube before starting anaesthesia, and the view from the tracheal tube tip enables the anaesthetist to verify tracheal tube position in the trachea. ⋯ Intubation was simple, rapid and atraumatic, without the need for head, neck or laryngeal manipulation. Tracheal placement was instantly confirmed using the video view from the stylet tip. Clinical studies are required to define the value of this new intubation technique.