British journal of anaesthesia
A major cause of impaired gas exchange during general anaesthesia is atelectasis, causing pulmonary shunt. A 'vital capacity' (VC) manoeuvre (i.e. inflation of the lungs up to 40 cm H2O, maintained for 15 s) may re-expand atelectasis and improve oxygenation. However, such a manoeuvre may cause adverse cardiovascular effects. ⋯ At an inspired oxygen concentration of 40%, PaO2 increased from 17.2 (4.0) kPa before to 22.2 (6.0) kPa (P = 0.013) after the VC manoeuvre. Thus in anaesthetized adults undergoing mechanical ventilation with healthy lungs, inflation of the lungs to a Paw of 40 cm H2O, maintained for 7-8 s only, may re-expand all previously collapsed lung tissue, as detected by lung computed tomography, and improve oxygenation. We conclude that the previously proposed time for a VC manoeuvre may be halved in such subjects.
Comment Letter Meta Analysis
Ropivacaine and bupivacaine for analgesia in labour.
Clinical Trial
Sevoflurane anaesthesia with an Oxford Miniature Vaporizer in vaporizer inside circle mode.
Anaesthesia was induced and maintained successfully with sevoflurane using an Oxford Miniature Vaporizer (OMV) in vaporizer inside circle (VIC) mode. With continuous monitoring using the Drager Narkomed 4 machine agent analyser, the expired sevoflurane concentration was monitored and controlled easily. During induction, there was no cardiovascular depression, apnoea or coughing, but involuntary movements and breath-holding were common.
Editorial Comment
Rapacuronium (Org 9487): do we have a replacement for succinylcholine?