British journal of anaesthesia
Review Meta Analysis
Duration of analgesic effectiveness after the posterior and lateral transversus abdominis plane block techniques for transverse lower abdominal incisions: a meta-analysis.
Posterior transversus abdominis plane block continues to reduce pain scores and opioid consumption at up to 48 hours, though with lesser magnitude.
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Review Meta Analysis
Regional anaesthesia to prevent chronic pain after surgery: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.
Epidural anesthesia may reduce post-thoracotomy chronic pain (OR 0.33) and paravertebral block reduce that following breast ca surgery (OR 0.37).
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Review Meta Analysis
Regional anaesthesia to prevent chronic pain after surgery: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.
Epidural anesthesia may reduce post-thoracotomy chronic pain (OR 0.33) and paravertebral block reduce that following breast ca surgery (OR 0.37).
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Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Efficacy of dexmedetomidine compared with midazolam for sedation in adult intensive care patients: a systematic review.
Patients in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) often require sedatives which commonly include midazolam and the more recently developed α2-receptor agonist, dexmedetomidine. It was our aim to compare the sedative and clinical effectiveness of dexmedetomidine vs midazolam in adults admitted to ICU, using an objective appraisal of randomized control trials. Medline, Embase, SCOPUS, Web of Knowledge, Cinhal, the United States National Library of Medicine, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched using keywords: 'dexmedetomidine', 'midazolam', and 'intensive care'. ⋯ A final paper found that, of the eight occasions measured, patients on dexmedetomidine were more often within the target sedation range than patients on midazolam. The sedative benefits of dexmedetomidine vs midazolam remain inconclusive. While some secondary outcomes showed clinical effectiveness of dexmedetomidine, more research is needed to validate the findings of these studies.