British journal of anaesthesia
Editorial Comment
Achieving a preoperative haemoglobin above 130 g L-1 may be more important in female than in male patients before cardiac surgery.
Sex-specific preoperative haemoglobin levels and the need for perioperative red cell transfusion in men and women are still debated. Cavalli and colleagues examined the appropriateness of World Health Organization (WHO) anaemia thresholds (haemoglobin <130 g L-1 for males and <120 g L-1 for females) in a retrospective cohort analysis of >6000 adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. The authors concluded that the WHO anaemia threshold disproportionately disadvantages female cardiac surgery patients, and a preoperative haemoglobin level of at least 130 g L-1 should be targeted in all cardiac surgical patients regardless of sex.
Editorial Comment
Similarities in consciousness occurring during sleep and sedation.
The subjective experiences of sedation or anaesthesia are underexplored. A recent study by Valli and colleagues (Br J Anaesth 2023; 131: 348-59) found similar frequency and content of recalled experiences after both non-rapid eye movement sleep and target-controlled infusions of propofol or dexmedetomidine titrated to verbal unresponsiveness. The authors find that the phenomenological similarities between consciousness during sleep and sedation mirror their physiological similarities. Intriguingly, in this small sample, conscious experience did not show a dose-dependent response suggesting other factors are important in determining the propensity for consciousness under sedation.
The first modern intensive care unit was established in Copenhagen 70 yr ago. This cornerstone of anaesthesia was largely based on experience gained using positive pressure ventilation to save hundreds of patients during the polio epidemic in 1952. Ventilation approaches, monitoring techniques, and pharmacological innovations have developed to such an extent that cuirass ventilation, which proved inadequate during the polio epidemic, might now have novel applications for both anaesthesia and treatment of the critically ill.