The Permanente journal
Intestinal microbiota play an important role in health and disease. The gut-liver axis provides for an interaction between bacterial components like lipopolysaccharide and hepatic receptors (Toll-like receptors). ⋯ Administration of health-promoting microbial strains may help ameliorate these harmful interactions and hepatic disorders. This review focuses on changes in gut microbiota in the context of liver disease and possible roles of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics in liver disease.
Professionalism, which is a core competency for physicians, can be described as a spectrum of behaviors and may have a significant impact on the problems in today's changing health care climate. In this article, we discuss the meaning of professionalism and its role in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG) and consider how it may be applied to integrated care delivery systems such as Kaiser Permanente. ⋯ SCPMG has a rich history and culture of promoting clinical excellence and professionalism, as evidenced by the programs and initiatives described throughout this article. Indeed, the SCPMG experience validates professionalism as a core physician competency comprising a set of behaviors that are continually refined.
The Permanente journal · Jan 2013
Elimination of admission hypothermia in preterm very low-birth-weight infants by standardization of delivery room management.
Temperature instability is a serious but potentially preventable morbidity in preterm infants. Admission temperatures below 36°C are associated with increased mortality and late onset sepsis. ⋯ We reduced hypothermia in very low-birth-weight infants using a standardized protocol, multidisciplinary team approach, and continuous feedback. Sustaining improvement is a challenge that requires real-time progress evaluation of outcomes and ongoing staff education.
The Permanente journal · Jan 2013
Case ReportsPropofol-related infusion syndrome: role of propofol in medical complications of sedated critical care patients.
Propofol is a popular anesthetic and sedative. Use of propofol has increased manifold in this country over the last decade, and it is most commonly used in intensive care settings. Its rapid action with short half-life, decreased cerebral oxygen consumption, and reduction of intracranial pressure are properties that have made it a favorite in the intensive care unit. Many of these patients are critically ill or injured and require prolonged sedation. Propofol has been associated with morbidity and mortality, and in such cases the question often arises regarding the role propofol plays in these complications. ⋯ It is hoped that this short report will bring more awareness of this entity so that it will be considered in the differential diagnosis in sedated critical care patients.
The Permanente journal · Jan 2013
Nonbeneficial treatment and conflict resolution: building consensus.
We established a fair and explicit nonbeneficial treatment and conflict resolution policy at our medical center. The policy was designed to help us acknowledge and respect both patients and clinicians involved in treatment planning and decision making. ⋯ A fair and explicit nonbeneficial treatment and conflict resolution policy can result in a high level of consensus between patients/surrogates and the treatment teams responsible for their care when treatment is withheld or withdrawn.