European journal of pain : EJP
Sex differences in analgesic responses to opioids have received increasing attention in recent years. This article examines the literature on sex differences in opioid analgesia, including the results of studies from the authors' own laboratories. In general, nonhuman animal studies suggest more robust opioid analgesic responses in males relative to females; however, the human studies completed to date seem to indicate greater opioid analgesia among females. ⋯ Multiple mechanisms may explain sex differences in opioid analgesia, including gonadal hormonal effects, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, genetic influences, balance of analgesic/antianalgesic processes, and psychological factors. However, the disparity of results obtained from different pain models--animals versus humans and clinical pain versus experimental pain in humans--suggests that the models themselves are mechanistically different. Additional investigation is warranted in order to further explicate the nature of sex differences in opioid analgesia and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.
Does past pain influence current pain: biological and psychosocial models of sex differences.
Previous studies have generally indicated sizeable sex differences for both laboratory pain reactivity and clinical pain reports. Numerous biological and psychosocial models have been invoked to account for these findings, but the laboratory and clinical findings have generally been examined in isolation. ⋯ Since women often have high pain experience levels and lower pain tolerance, one might ask whether the two factors are related. We review several models, based upon concepts of neonatal differences in pain reactivity, hypervigilance following early pain experiences, and concepts of peripheral and central sensitization or plasticity which might help to bridge the gap between clinical and experimental findings.
Several studies have reported lower neck muscle strength in patients with chronic neck pain compared to healthy controls. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between the severity of neck pain and disability with neck strength and range of movement in women suffering from chronic neck pain. One hundred and seventy-nine female office workers with chronic neck pain were selected to the study. ⋯ Pain may prevent full effort during strength tests and hence the production of maximal force. Thus in patients with chronic neck pain the results do not always describe true maximal strength, but rather the patients' ability to bear strain, which may be considerably influenced by their painful condition. The results of the present study suggest that rehabilitation in cases of chronic neck pain should aim at raising tolerance to mechanical strain.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Pain thresholds during and after treatment of severe depression with electroconvulsive therapy.
Pain and depression are often associated suggesting that both conditions share a common neurobiological mechanism, which modulate emotional function and processing of noxious information. Pain thresholds are hypothesized to be altered in depressed patients and normalized with the amelioration of depression. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine pain thresholds in patients during and after treatment with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) of severe depression and in healthy controls. ⋯ While ECT significantly improved Hamilton depression score (from mean 23.9 (SD:5) to mean 12.5 (SD:5.7)) there was no significant change in pain thresholds during and after ECT in the patient group. However, depressed patients had significantly lower pain tolerance in the Cold Pressor Test on both examinations and on pressure pain tolerance on the second examination day than their corresponding control subjects. The differential effect of ECT on depression score and pain processing indicate that mood and noxious processing are not medicated directly by the same systems but that a complex relationship between pain and depression exists.
The present study attempted to replicate the robustness of a two-factor model of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients and fibromyalgia patients, by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Construct and predictive validity of the TSK subscales were also examined. Results clearly indicated that a two-factor model fitted best in both pain samples. ⋯ Construct validity of the TSK and its subscales was supported by moderate correlation coefficients with self-report measures of pain-related fear, pain catastrophising, and disability, predominantly in patients with CLBP. Predictive validity was supported by moderate correlation coefficients with performance on physical performance tests (i.e., lifting tasks, bicycle task) mainly in CLBP patients. Implications of the results are discussed and directions for future research are provided.