European journal of pain : EJP
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
The relative efficacy of mindfulness versus distraction: The moderating role of attentional bias.
This study investigated whether the ability to disengage quickly from pain-related stimuli moderated the relative efficacy of a mindfulness-based intervention versus distraction in response to an experimental pain task. ⋯ This study demonstrated the efficacy of a novel, exposure-based mindfulness technique for pain tolerance and showed that those who disengaged easily from pain stimuli benefited most. This brief task could be clinically useful, particularly for those who are not overly focused on their pain symptoms.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes continuous neurological deficits and major sensory-motor impairments. There is no effective treatment to enhance sensory-motor function following SCI. Thus, it is crucial to develop novel therapeutics for this particular patient population. Astaxanthin (AST) is a strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic agent. In the present study, it was tested in a severe compression SCI model with emphasis on sensory-motor outcomes, signalling pathway, along with other complications. ⋯ Spinal cord injury (SCI) impairs sensory-motor function and causes complications, which astaxanthin (AST) has the potential to be used as a treatment for. The present study investigates the effects of AST in a compression model of SCI with emphasis on sensory-motor outcomes alongside other complications, histopathological damage and also related signalling pathways.
Review Practice Guideline
Standards for the management of cancer-related pain across Europe. A position paper from the EFIC Task Force on Cancer Pain.
Pain is a common symptom in patients who survive cancer and in those who live with progressive advanced disease. Evidence from meta-analyses suggests that pain remains poorly controlled for a large proportion of patients; barriers to good management include poor assessment of pain, inadequate support for patient self-management and late or inadequate access to strong opioid analgesia in those with advanced disease. ⋯ Pain affects up to 40% of cancer survivors and affects at least 66% of patients with advanced progressive disease, many of whom experience poor pain control. These 10 standards are aimed to improve cancer pain management, promote the quality of care of patients and reduce variation across Europe.
Hypersensitivity and altered sweating are often present in neuropathy patients. Nerve lesions are known to produce sudomotor dysfunctions but also patients suffering from complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS1-a condition without a nerve lesion-present with sweating disorders. ⋯ Sweat output changes in mice after bone trauma, potentially indicative of posttraumatic processes leading to CRPS in humans.
We have recently reported that the spinal angiotensin (Ang) converting enzyme (ACE)/Ang II/AT1 receptor axis and downstream p38 MAPK phosphorylation are activated in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice and lead to tactile hypersensitivity. Moreover, our previous results suggested that the intrathecal (i.t.) administration of Ang (1-7), an N-terminal fragment of Ang II, may attenuate the Ang II-induced nociceptive behaviour through the inhibition of p38 MAPK phosphorylation via Mas receptors. Here, we investigated whether the i.t. administration of Ang (1-7) can attenuate STZ-induced diabetic neuropathic pain. ⋯ The ACE2/Ang (1-7)/Mas receptor axis was down-regulated in the spinal cord of STZ mice and the i.t. administration of Ang (1-7) attenuated the STZ-induced diabetic neuropathic pain via Mas receptors. Therefore, the activation of this axis could be an effective therapeutic target to alleviate the neuropathic pain in diabetic patients.