The British journal of surgery
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Patient-reported outcomes and their predictors at 2- and 3-year follow-up after immediate latissimus dorsi breast reconstruction and adjuvant treatment.
The aim of this study was to estimate the impact 2 and 3 years after surgery of implant-assisted latissimus dorsi (LDI) and autologous latissimus dorsi (ALD) flap breast reconstructions on patient-reported outcomes (PROs), and, secondarily, to determine whether baseline characteristics can predict PROs. ⋯ Clinically important changes occurred in physical functioning, breast symptoms, body image and psychological distress. These results will guide selections of key PRO domains and sample-size calculation of future studies.
Muscle depletion is characterized by reduced muscle mass (myopenia), and increased infiltration by intermuscular and intramuscular fat (myosteatosis). This study examined the role of particular body composition profiles as prognostic markers for patients with colorectal cancer undergoing curative resection. ⋯ Myopenia may have an independent prognostic effect on cancer survival for patients with colorectal cancer. Muscle depletion may represent a modifiable risk factor in patients with colorectal cancer and needs to be targeted as a relevant endpoint of health recommendations.
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis of negative-pressure wound therapy for closed surgical incisions.
Postoperative wound complications are common following surgical procedures. Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is well recognized for the management of open wounds and has been applied recently to closed surgical incisions. The evidence base to support this intervention is limited. The aim of this study was to assess whether NPWT reduces postoperative wound complications when applied to closed surgical incisions. ⋯ Compared with standard postoperative dressings, NPWT significantly reduced the rate of wound infection and seroma when applied to closed surgical wounds. Heterogeneity between the included studies means that no general recommendations can be made yet.