Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum
Organophosphate (OP) insecticides inhibit both cholinesterase and pseudo-cholinesterase activities. The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase causes accumulation of acetylcholine at synapses, and overstimulation of neurotransmission occurs as a result of this accumulation. The mortality rate of OP poisoning is high. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment is often life saving. Treatment of OP poisoning consists of intravenous atropine and oximes. The clinical course of OP poisoning may be quite severe and may need intensive care management. We report our experience with the intensive care management of serious OP insecticide poisonings. ⋯ OP insecticide poisoning is a serious condition that needs rapid diagnosis and treatment. Since respiratory failure is the major reason for mortality, careful monitoring, appropriate management and early recognition of this complication may decrease the mortality rate among these patients.
Ischaemic cerebral accidents are frequent following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), especially after fixing the reinjection cannula in the right primitive carotid artery, which leads to an interruption in downstream flow. We describe a rare and unusual symptom of cerebral ischaemic accident that is known as Capgras syndrome. ⋯ This incident emphasizes the potential hazards associated with right common artery ligature for venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VAECMO). In addition, it shows that this psychiatric symptom (that has been interpreted psychodynamically for many years) can have an organic basis, which should be studied.
Computing technology has the potential to improve health care management but is often underutilized. Handheld computers are versatile and relatively inexpensive, bringing the benefits of computers to the bedside. We evaluated the role of this technology for managing patient data and accessing medical reference information, in an academic intensive-care unit (ICU). ⋯ The introduction of this technology was well received despite differences in users' familiarity with the devices. Handheld computers have potential in the ICU, but systems need to be developed specifically for the critical-care environment.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Enteral feeding in the critically ill: comparison between the supine and prone positions: a prospective crossover study in mechanically ventilated patients.
Prone position is effective in mechanically ventilated patients to improve oxygenation. It is unknown if prone position affects gastric emptying and the ability of continued enteral feeding. ⋯ Our results suggest that enteral feeding can be continued when a patient is turned from supine to prone position or vice versa. The results indicate that patients with a clinically significant gastric residual volume in one position are likely to have a clinically significant gastric residual volume in the other position.
Ventilating patients with acute respiratory failure according to standardized recommendations can lead to varying volume-pressure (V-P) relationships and overdistension. Young children may be more susceptible than adults to overdistension, and individual evaluation of the effects of ventilator settings is therefore required. Three studies have applied indices for the detection of overdistension to dynamic V-P curves in ventilated children. Two of those studies compared these indices to those obtained using a reference technique ([quasi]-static V-P curves), and suggested that the c coefficient of a second order polynomial equation (SOPE) and the ratio of the volume-dependent elastance to total dynamic elastance (%E2) were suitable indices for estimating overdistension.