Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum
Critical care is both expensive and increasing. Emergency department (ED) management of critically ill patients before intensive care unit (ICU) admission is an under-explored area of potential cost saving in the ICU. ⋯ Earlier application in the ED of intensive therapies such as goal-directed therapy and noninvasive ventilation may reduce ICU costs by decreasing length of stay and need for admission. Future critical care policies and health services research should include both the ED and ICU in their analyses.
Severe organophosphorus or carbamate pesticide poisoning is an important clinical problem in many countries of the world. Unfortunately, little clinical research has been performed and little evidence exists with which to determine best therapy. A cohort study of acute pesticide poisoned patients was established in Sri Lanka during 2002; so far, more than 2000 pesticide poisoned patients have been treated. ⋯ It concentrates on the early stabilisation of patients and the individualised administration of atropine. We present it here as a guide for junior doctors in rural parts of the developing world who see the majority of such patients and as a working model around which to base research to improve patient outcome. Improved management of pesticide poisoning will result in a reduced number of suicides globally.
We conducted the present study to determine the usefulness of routinely inserting a pediatric airway exchange catheter (PAEC) before tracheal extubation of adult patients who had undergone maxillofacial or major neck surgery and have risk factors for difficult reintubation. ⋯ The PAEC can be a life-saving device during reintubation of patients with risk factors for difficult reintubation such as laryngeo-pharyngeal oedema due to surgical manipulation or airway obstruction resulting from haematoma and anatomic changes. We therefore suggest the routine use of the PAEC in patients undergoing major maxillofacial or major neck surgery.
Resuscitation of critically ill patients with trauma or sepsis continues to challenge clinicians. Early imperatives include diagnostic judgment as to the presenting problem - sepsis or trauma. ⋯ Shortcomings of current approaches to determining the adequacy of circulatory resuscitation have prompted the evaluation of new technologies purported to directly assess microcirculatory flow as a clinical endpoint for the adequacy of resuscitation. While early studies are intriguing, this technology requires much more study before it can be considered for widespread adoption by the clinician.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
G-CSF and IL-8 for early diagnosis of sepsis in neonates and critically ill children - safety and cost effectiveness of a new laboratory prediction model: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN91123847].
Bacterial infection represents a serious risk in neonates and critically ill paediatric patients. Current clinical practice is characterized by frequent antibiotic treatment despite low incidence of true infection. However, some patients escape early diagnosis and progress to septic shock. Many new markers, including cytokines, have been suggested to improve decision making, but the clinical efficacy of these techniques remains uncertain. Therefore, we will test the clinical efficacy of a previously validated diagnostic strategy to reduce antibiotic usage and nosocomial infection related morbidity. ⋯ This trial will ascertain the clinical efficacy of introducing new diagnostic strategies consisting of pre-test probability estimate, novel laboratory markers, and computer-generated post-test probability in infectious disease work up in critically ill newborns and children.