Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin · Feb 2017
Variation in the human Achilles tendon moment arm during walking.
The Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm is an important determinant of ankle moment and power generation during locomotion. Load and depth-dependent variations in the AT moment arm are generally not considered, but may be relevant given the complex triceps surae architecture. ⋯ AT moment arms also varied by 14% over the tendon thickness. In walking, AT moment arms are not strictly dependent on kinematics, but exhibit important load and spatial dependencies.
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin · Feb 2017
Computational comparison of aortic root stresses in presence of stentless and stented aortic valve bio-prostheses.
We provide a computational comparison of the performance of stentless and stented aortic prostheses, in terms of aortic root displacements and internal stresses. To this aim, we consider three real patients; for each of them, we draw the two prostheses configurations, which are characterized by different mechanical properties and we also consider the native configuration. ⋯ The computational results are analyzed in terms of aortic flow, internal wall stresses and aortic wall/prosthesis displacements; a quantitative comparison of the mechanical behavior of the three scenarios is reported. The numerical results highlight a good agreement between stentless and native displacements and internal wall stresses, whereas higher/non-physiological stresses are found for the stented case.