Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society
Randomized Controlled Trial
Ameliorating Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Acustimulation Combined With Deep Breathing Training on Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Mediated via the Autonomic Pathway.
To investigate the effects and possible mechanisms of transcutaneous electrical acustimulation (TEA) combined with deep breathing training (DBT) on refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease (rGERD). ⋯ TEA combined with the DBT can effectively improve the reflux symptoms in rGERD patients by increasing LESP and reducing gastroesophageal reflux, which may be mediated via the autonomic and enteric mechanisms.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Safety, Feasibility, and Efficacy of Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Neurogenic Bladder: A Randomized Control Pilot Trial.
We investigated whether transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) in acute spinal cord injury was safe and feasible, and could achieve neuromodulation and improve cystometrogram parameters during acute inpatient rehabilitation. ⋯ TTNS is a safe and feasible modality that can be performed during inpatient rehabilitation of acute traumatic spinal cord injury. Bladder capacity and episodes of detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia significantly worsened in the control group and did not significantly change in the TTNS group, suggesting that TTNS can alter the course of neurogenic bladder via neuromodulation.
Gastric electrical stimulation (GES) is a technology that uses neurostimulation for the modulation of gastric activity. In clinical practice, the most commonly encountered form of GES is high frequency GES. GES devices are typically used for the treatment of refractory gastroparesis, although they have also been investigated for obesity management and the treatment of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. Just as many patients with chronic diseases require surgery, patients with an implanted GES device may encounter the need for periprocedural care. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to address the special needs of patients with an implanted GES device. ⋯ Available data suggests GES is a technology with increasing prevalence. When patients with an implanted GES device present for periprocedural care, the anesthesia staff must consider the device when planning for the procedure. Topics addressed include general anesthetic considerations, nerve localization, radiation exposure, electrocautery, diathermy, emergency external defibrillation, and MRI compatibility.
Postoperative ileus occurs in approximately 5-15% of patients following major abdominal surgery, and poses a substantial clinical and economic burden. Electrical stimulation has been proposed as a means to aid postoperative gastrointestinal (GI) recovery, but no methods have entered routine clinical practice. A systematic review was undertaken to assess electrical stimulation techniques and to evaluate their clinical efficacy in order to identify promising areas for future research. ⋯ Electrical stimulation appears to be a promising methodology to aid postoperative GI recovery, but greater attention to mechanisms of action and clinical trial quality is necessary for progress. Future research should also aim to apply validated and standardized gut recovery outcomes and consistent neuromodulation methodologies.
Lead placement within the sacral foramen in sacral neuromodulation patients is guided by visual assessment of the contraction of the pelvic floor musculature (PFM) and/or verbal assessment of the sensation and location of sensation upon stimulation. Generally, lead placement is proceeded by needle probing. This study evaluates which location inside a single sacral foramen would be most ideal for the release of the permanent electrode lead, by measuring electromyographic (EMG) motor responses of the PFM upon stimulation of a peripheral nerve evaluation (PNE) needle. ⋯ Our data suggest stronger PFM contractions are elicit in cranial- and medial-placed PNE needles upon stimulation with clinically relevant current amplitudes (≤ 2 mA). Placement of the lead should aim for this spot in the foramen.