Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung
Meta Analysis
The effect of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics on sleep quality and severity in patients with OSA: a meta-analysis.
Although there is a high co-occurrence of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the administration of sedative hypnotics in patients with OSA is still inconsistent. The aim is to study the effect of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics (non-BZDs) on sleep quality and severity in patients with OSA. ⋯ The administration of non-BZDs at the commonly recommended dose has been shown to improve objective sleep quality in OSA patients without worsening sleep apnea. It suggests that OSA patients with a complaint of insomnia symptoms may benefit from taking non-BZDs.
Comparative Study
Evaluation and validation of four translated Chinese questionnaires for obstructive sleep apnea patients in Hong Kong.
The present study validates and evaluates the sensitivity and specificity of four internationally popular questionnaires, translated into Chinese, for assessing suspected obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients, namely, the Berlin questionnaire, the ASA checklist, the STOP questionnaire and the STOP-BANG questionnaire. Their predictive values in OSA risks in patients presenting with OSA symptoms are examined. Questionnaires may be helpful in prioritizing polysomnography (PSG) and in treatment for the more severe cases. ⋯ Among the four questionnaires studied, STOP-BANG, with only eight questions and the highest sensitivity, is the best questionnaire of the four for OSA screening. This can potentially assist in prioritizing PSG and can be helpful in clinical or self-evaluation by the general public.
Sleepiness during the work shift is common and can be hazardous to workers and, in the case of nurses, to patients under their care. Thus, measuring sleepiness in occupational studies is an important component of workplace health and safety. The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) is usually used as a momentary assessment of a respondent's state of sleepiness; however, end-of-shift measurement is sometimes preferred based on the study setting. We assessed the predictive validity of the KSS as an end-of-shift recall measurement, asking for "average" sleepiness over the shift and "highest" level of sleepiness during the shift. ⋯ We found partial support for using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale in the recalled format based on our multiple tests of predictive validity.
Comparative Study
Oronasal masks require higher levels of positive airway pressure than nasal masks to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic pressure determined by an automated CPAP device (AutoCPAP) during the titration period, between nasal and oronasal mask and the residual apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) on a subsequent poligraphy performed with the established therapeutic CPAP. ⋯ Therapeutic CPAP level for OSAH is higher when administered via oronasal mask, leaving more residual events. These findings suggest that nasal mask should be the first choice for OSAH treatment.