Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2004
Comment Letter Case ReportsPerineural catheter placement: another potential complication.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2004
Diaphragmatic excursion and respiratory function after the modified Raj technique of the infraclavicular plexus block.
The effects of the infraclavicular plexus block using the modified Raj approach on diaphragm and respiratory function have not been investigated. ⋯ Infraclavicular block using the modified Raj technique did not interfere with diaphragmatic excursion or respiratory function.
Ultrasound is a novel method of nerve localization but its use for lower extremity blocks appears limited with only reports for femoral 3-in-1 blocks. We report a case series of popliteal sciatic nerve blocks using ultrasound guidance to illustrate the clinical usefulness of this technology. ⋯ Our preliminary experience suggests that ultrasound localization of the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa is a simple and reliable procedure. It helps guide block needle placement and assess local anesthetic spread pattern at the time of injection.
The public is not well informed about matters relating to regional anesthesia. Previous studies concerning regional anesthesia have involved patients, surgeons, and anesthesiologists. This study is the first in-depth survey of the attitudes of the general public toward a number of commonly perceived fears about regional anesthesia. ⋯ The public's fears and conceptions about regional anesthesia are greatly distorted. The anesthesia community has not been successful in keeping the public informed about regional anesthesia. Future anesthesia-related educational programs should address the concerns of the public about anesthesia matters, particularly regional anesthesia.