Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2016
Case ReportsThe Erector Spinae Plane Block: A Novel Analgesic Technique in Thoracic Neuropathic Pain.
Thoracic neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition that is often poorly responsive to oral and topical pharmacotherapy. The benefit of interventional nerve block procedures is unclear due to a paucity of evidence and the invasiveness of the described techniques. ⋯ Anatomical and radiological investigation in fresh cadavers indicates that its likely site of action is at the dorsal and ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves. The ESP block holds promise as a simple and safe technique for thoracic analgesia in both chronic neuropathic pain as well as acute postsurgical or posttraumatic pain.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2016
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyAnalgesic Effects of Ultrasound-Guided Serratus-Intercostal Plane Block and Ultrasound-Guided Intermediate Cervical Plexus Block After Single-Incision Transaxillary Robotic Thyroidectomy: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Single-incision transaxillary robotic thyroidectomy (START) requires substantial tissue disruption, which produces moderate-to-severe pain in the axilla and neck areas during the early postoperative period. This study aimed to investigate the analgesic effects of ultrasound-guided serratus-intercostal plane blocks and intermediate cervical plexus blocks (CPBs) on the early postoperative pain after START. ⋯ After START, a serratus-intercostal plane block performed at the level of the third rib was an effective analgesic technique for axillary pain; however, the clinical effectiveness of intermediate CPB for neck pain may be limited.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2016
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyComparison of 2-Chloroprocaine, Bupivacaine, and Lidocaine for Spinal Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing Knee Arthroscopy in an Outpatient Setting: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.
Knee arthroscopy is a well-established procedure in day-case surgery, which is frequently performed under spinal anesthesia. It is, however, controversial whether the choice for a specific local anesthetic translates into relevant outcomes. We hypothesized that the use of 2-chloroprocaine would be associated with a faster recovery from sensorimotor block. ⋯ For spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing ambulatory knee arthroscopy, chloroprocaine has the shortest time to complete recovery of sensory and motor block compared with bupivacaine and lidocaine.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2016
Case ReportsSubdural Hematoma Associated With Labor Epidural Analgesia: A Case Series.
This report aimed to describe the characteristics and impact of subdural hematoma (SDH) after labor epidural analgesia. ⋯ Subdural hematoma after labor epidural anesthesia is rare but potentially more common than historically estimated. Cases of postdural puncture headache after labor epidural anesthesia should be monitored closely for severe neurologic signs and symptoms that could herald SDH.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2016
The Effects of Shoulder Rotation on the Acoustic Window for Thoracic Paramedian Epidural Approach in the Lateral Decubitus Position.
The aim of this study was to examine whether shoulder rotation increases the length of the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) in the lateral decubitus position. ⋯ Shoulder rotation significantly increased the dimension of the acoustic target window for paramedian thoracic epidural access in the lateral decubitus position at both T6/7 and T9/10 levels. Further clinical studies are needed to investigate the effect of shoulder rotation on thoracic epidural access.