Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2009
ReviewFuture considerations for pharmacologic adjuvants in single-injection peripheral nerve blocks for patients with diabetes mellitus.
As the epidemics of obesity and diabetes expand, there are more patients with these disorders requiring elective surgery. For surgery on the extremities, peripheral nerve blocks have become a highly favorable anesthetic option when compared with general anesthesia. Peripheral blocks reduce respiratory and cardiac stresses, while potentially mitigating untreated peripheral pain that can foster physiologic conditions that increase risks for general health complications. ⋯ This is important because anesthesiologists do not want to potentially accelerate peripheral nerve dysfunction in diabetic patients at risk. This translational vignette (i) examines laboratory models of diabetes, (ii) summarizes the pharmacology of perineural adjuvants (epinephrine, clonidine, buprenorphine, midazolam, tramadol, and dexamethasone), and (iii) identifies areas that warrant further research to determine viability of monotherapy or combination therapy for peripheral nerve analgesia in diabetic patients. Conceivably, future translational research regarding peripheral nerve blocks in diabetic patients may logically include study of nontoxic injectable analgesic adjuvants, in combination, to provide desired analgesia, while possibly avoiding peripheral nerve toxicity that diabetic animal models have exhibited when exposed to traditional local anesthetics.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2009
ReviewUltrasound-guided interventional procedures in pain medicine: a review of anatomy, sonoanatomy, and procedures: part I: nonaxial structures.
Application of ultrasound in pain medicine is a rapidly growing medical field in interventional pain management. Ultrasound provides direct visualization of various soft tissues and real-time needle advancement and avoids exposing both the health care provider and the patient to the risks of radiation. The machine itself is more affordable than a fluoroscope, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging machine. In the present review, we discuss the challenges and limitations of ultrasound-guided procedures for pain management, anatomy, and sonoanatomy of selected pain management procedures and the literature on those selected procedures.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Sep 2009
Review Case ReportsEvidence-based case report: the prevention and management of postherpetic neuralgia with emphasis on interventional procedures.
A patient with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) did not respond to medications, either singly or in combination, or to intrathecal methylprednisolone but responded to intrathecal alcohol. This evidenced-based case management article evaluates and grades the evidence for the prevention and treatment of PHN. ⋯ Postherpetic neuralgia should be managed pharmacologically. If not effective, intrathecal steroid injections or nerve blocks may be tried. Spinal cord stimulation or intrathecal alcohol should be used only as a last resort.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2009
Review Case ReportsRetained intrathecal catheter fragment after spinal drain insertion.
The placement of lumbar spinal drains is being done with increasing frequency to facilitate high-risk surgical procedures. One risk associated with these procedures is catheter shearing, resulting in a retained foreign body in the intrathecal space. Unlike retained epidural fragments, there are no guidelines on the management of this complication. The purpose of this article was to synthesize the literature on this subject to come up with guidelines for preventing and managing this complication. ⋯ A retained intrathecal catheter can be managed conservatively in certain contexts. Periodic follow-up visits, with or without repeat imaging, are recommended in these circumstances.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2009
ReviewUpper extremity regional anesthesia: essentials of our current understanding, 2008.
Brachial plexus blockade is the cornerstone of the peripheral nerve regional anesthesia practice of most anesthesiologists. As part of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine's commitment to providing intensive evidence-based education related to regional anesthesia and analgesia, this article is a complete update of our 2002 comprehensive review of upper extremity anesthesia. The text of the review focuses on (1) pertinent anatomy, (2) approaches to the brachial plexus and techniques that optimize block quality, (4) local anesthetic and adjuvant pharmacology, (5) complications, (6) perioperative issues, and (6) challenges for future research.