Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2013
Near real-time notification of gaps in cuff blood pressure recordings for improved patient monitoring.
Blood pressure monitoring during anesthesia is an American Society of Anesthesiology standard. However, the anesthesia provider sometimes fails to engage the patient monitor to make periodic (generally every 3-5 min) measurements of Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP), which can lead to extended periods (>5 min) when blood pressure is not monitored. We describe a system to automatically detect such gaps in NIBP measurement and notify clinicians in real-time to initiate measurement. ⋯ The maximum gap encountered before SAM was 64 min, while it was 27 min with SAM notification. Real-time notification using SAM is an effective way to reduce both the number of instances and the duration of inadvertent, extended (>15 min) gaps in blood pressure measurements in the operating room. However, the frequency of gaps <15 min could not be reduced using the current configuration of SAM.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2013
Clinical refinement of the automatic lung parameter estimator (ALPE).
The automatic lung parameter estimator (ALPE) method was developed in 2002 for bedside estimation of pulmonary gas exchange using step changes in inspired oxygen fraction (FIO₂). Since then a number of studies have been conducted indicating the potential for clinical application and necessitating systems evolution to match clinical application. This paper describes and evaluates the evolution of the ALPE method from a research implementation (ALPE1) to two commercial implementations (ALPE2 and ALPE3). ⋯ Also for ALPE2, the automated FIO2 selection method was successfully applied in 287 patient cases, taking 7.2 ± 2.4 min and was shown to be safe with only one patient having SpO₂ < 86 % when the clinician disabled the alarms. The ALPE method has evolved into two practical, usable systems targeted at clinical application, namely ALPE2 for spontaneously breathing patients and ALPE3 for mechanically ventilated patients. These systems may promote the exploration of the use of more detailed descriptions of pulmonary gas exchange in clinical practice.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2013
Randomized Controlled TrialStO₂ guided early resuscitation in subjects with severe sepsis or septic shock: a pilot randomised trial.
The scientific community has agreed upon developing accurate monitoring of tissue perfusion and oxygenation to improve the management of subjects with sepsis. This pilot study aimed to investigate the feasibility of targeting tissue oxygen saturation (StO₂) in addition to the currently recommended resuscitation goals, central venous pressure, mean arterial pressure and central venous oxygen saturation, in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. A pilot, single-centre, randomised, non-blinded trial recruited 30 subjects with severe sepsis upon intensive care unit admission at an academic medical centre in France. ⋯ At study day 7, there were 5/15 (33.3 %) subjects who died or had a DSOFA > 0 in the experimental arm and 4/15 (26.6 %) who died or had a DSOFA > 0 in the control arm (p = 1.00). This pilot study was the first randomised controlled trial using an algorithm derived from the SSC recommendations, which included StO₂ as a treatment goal. However, the protocol showed no clear trend for or against targeting StO₂.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2013
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyGoal-directed intraoperative fluid therapy guided by stroke volume and its variation in high-risk surgical patients: a prospective randomized multicentre study.
Perioperative hemodynamic optimisation improves postoperative outcome for patients undergoing high-risk surgery (HRS). In this prospective randomized multicentre study we studied the effects of an individualized, goal-directed fluid management based on continuous stroke volume variation (SVV) and stroke volume (SV) monitoring on postoperative outcomes. 64 patients undergoing HRS were randomized either to a control group (CON, n = 32) or a goal-directed group (GDT, n = 32). In GDT, SVV and SV were continuously monitored (FloTrac/Vigileo) and patients were brought to and maintained on the plateau of the Frank-Starling curve (SVV <10 % and SV increase <10 % in response to fluid loading). ⋯ Although not statistically significant, the proportion of patients with at least one complication (46 vs. 62 %), the number of postoperative complications per patient (0.65 vs. 1.40), the maximum sofa score (5.9 vs. 7.2), and the cumulative TISS score (69 vs. 83) tended to be lower. This multicentre study shows that fluid management based on a SVV and SV optimisation protocol is feasible and decreases postoperative wound infections. Our findings also suggest that a goal-directed strategy might decrease postoperative organ dysfunction.