Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2021
On some factors determining the pressure drop across tracheal tubes during high-frequency percussive ventilation: a flow-independent model.
To provide an in vitro estimation of the pressure drop across tracheal tubes (ΔPTT) in the face of given pulsatile frequencies and peak pressures (Pwork) delivered by a high-frequency percussive ventilator (HFPV) applied to a lung model. Tracheal tubes (TT) 6.5, 7.5 and 8.0 were connected to a test lung simulating the respiratory system resistive (R = 5, 20, 50 cmH2O/L/s) and elastic (C = 10, 20, and 50 mL/cmH2O) loads. The model was ventilated by HFPV with a pulse inspiratory peak pressure (work pressure Pwork) augmented in 5-cmH2O steps from 20 to 45 cmH2O, yielding 6 diverse airflows. ⋯ RMSE of the model on the testing dataset was 1.17 cmH2O, r2 was 0.79 and estimation error was lower than 1 cmH2O in 68% of cases. As a result, even without a flow value, the physician would be able to evaluate ΔPTT pressure. If the present results of our bench study could be clinically confirmed, the use of a nonconventional ventilatory strategy as HFPV, would be safer and easier.
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2021
A new reliable acoustic respiratory monitoring technology during upper gastrointestinal tract therapeutic endoscopy with CO2 insufflation.
Previous studies documented the effectiveness and benefits of capnography monitoring during propofol-based sedation for colonoscopy to reduce the incidence of hypoxemia. However, the performance of capnography during longer duration endoscopic therapy of upper gastrointestinal tract cancers under CO2 insufflation it is not well known. In this study, we compare a new device with acoustic monitoring technology to standard capnography monitoring. ⋯ The ratio of unmeasurable respiratory rate by capnography was strongly correlated to the ratio of unmeasurable PETCO2 level by capnography (R2 = 0.847). There were no severe events or adverse events (grade 2 or more) during all 49 procedures. The acoustic monitoring technology provides a more reliable respiratory monitoring when compared to standard capnography during endoscopic resection of upper gastrointestinal tract cancers under CO2 insufflation, even if the procedures were prolonged and complex.
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2021
Observational StudyRenal resistive index as a predictor of postoperative complications in liver resection surgery. Observational study.
Mortality after liver surgery reduced during the last three decades to less than 2%, but post-operative morbidity occurs in 20-50% of cases. Patients are often considered eligible for post-operative intensive-care unit (ICU) admission. Predicting which patients that are at higher risk could lead to a more precise perioperative management. ⋯ They received RRI measurement before entering in operative room and after awakening from general anesthesia. 183 Patients were enrolled. High surgical invasiveness, surgery time > 360 min, pre-operative RRI and postoperative serum lactate clearance < - 6%, showed to be associated with postoperative complications. Pre-operative RRI, complex liver resection, long-lasting surgery and poor lactate clearance (cLac) close to awakening from general anesthesia, all together may permit to classify the risk of post-operative adverse outcome after hepatic resection surgery.
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2021
Predicting unconsciousness after propofol administration: qCON, BIS, and ALPHA band frequency power.
During anesthesia induction with propofol the level of arousal progressively decreases until reaching loss of consciousness (LOC). In addition, there is a shift of alpha activity from parieto-occipital to frontal zones, defined as anteriorization. Whilst monitoring LOC and anteriorization would be useful to improve propofol dosage and patient safety, the current devices for anesthetic depth monitoring are unable to detect these events. ⋯ Pk values for BIS and qCON were strongly predictive of frontal alpha absolute power. During anesthesia induction with propofol it is possible to identify anteriorization with BIS and qCON in the frontal and parieto-occipital regions. Both indices showed different patterns which need to be further studied.