Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2022
Clinical TrialIncongruous effect of phenylephrine on changes in cerebral blood volume measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) indicating extracranial contamination.
We assessed extracranial contamination of the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signal during administration of phenylephrine. The study was performed with NIRO 200NX which employs both the Modified Beer-Lambert (MBL) method to measure total hemoglobin (tHb, expressed in µM), and Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy (SRS) to measure total hemoglobin content (nTHI, expressed in arbitrary units (a.u.)). SRS tends to not be affected by extracranial blood flow. ⋯ The median difference between the Z-scores of nTHI and tHb was - 0.02 [95%CI - 0.04 to - 0.003] (p = 0.03), with a higher variability in the Z-scores of tHb. Phenylephrine induced significant larger changes in MBL values compared to SRS values, indicating that the MBL method might be more prone to extracranial contamination. Trial and clinical registry: Trial registration number: B670201939459, ethical committee number: 2019/0265, date of approval: March 19, 2019.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2022
ReviewPower spectrum and spectrogram of EEG analysis during general anesthesia: Python-based computer programming analysis.
The commonly used principle for measuring the depth of anesthesia involves changes in the frequency components of the electroencephalogram (EEG) under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is essential to construct an effective spectrum and spectrogram to analyze the relationship between the depth of anesthesia and the EEG frequency during general anesthesia. This paper reviews the computer programming techniques for analyzing the spectrum and spectrogram derived from a single-channel EEG recorded during general anesthesia. ⋯ Finally, the multitaper method, which can suppress artifacts caused by the edges of the analysis segments, suppress noise, and probabilistically infer values that are close to the real power spectral density, is explained using practical examples of the analysis. All analyses were performed and all graphs plotted using Python under Jupyter Notebook. The analyses demonstrated the effectiveness of Python-based programming under the integrated development environment Jupyter Notebook for constructing an effective spectrum and spectrogram for analyzing the relationship between the depth of anesthesia and EEG frequency analysis in general anesthesia.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2022
ReviewDescription of the validity of the Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) and Nociception Level Index (NOL) for nociception assessment in anesthetized patients undergoing surgery: a systematized review.
Maintaining optimum analgesia in anesthetized patients is challenging due to the inability to self-report pain or exhibit pain-related behaviours. The Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) (based on heart rate variability [HRV]) and the Nociception Level Index (NOL) (based on HRV, photoplethysmography, skin conductance, and temperature) both include HRV and provide continuous index monitoring for nociception assessment. The research question was: "What are the validation strategies of the NOL and ANI for nociception assessment in anesthetized patients?". ⋯ Both technologies performed superiorly in detecting nociceptive stimuli compared to individual monitoring of HR and blood pressure. Although the aforementioned validation strategies are deemed appropriate, in the absence of a gold standard, criterion validation findings should be interpreted with caution. Moreover, reliability could be examined using test-retest with consistent ANI/NOL values during a stable time-interval.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2022
The effect of COVID-19 epidemic on vital signs in hospitalized patients: a pre-post heat-map study from a large teaching hospital.
The Lombardy SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in February 2020 represented the beginning of COVID-19 epidemic in Italy. Hospitals were flooded by thousands of patients with bilateral pneumonia and severe respiratory, and vital sign derangements compared to the standard hospital population. We propose a new visual analysis technique using heat maps to describe the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on vital sign anomalies in hospitalized patients. ⋯ COVID-19 epidemic profoundly affected the incidence of severe derangements in vital signs in a large academic hospital. We validated heat maps as a method to analyze the clinical stability of hospitalized patients. This method may help to improve resource allocation according to patient characteristics.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2022
Fire safety study on high-flow nasal oxygen in shared-airway surgeries with diathermy and laser: simulation based on a physical model.
High-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) has been used in "tubeless" shared-airway surgeries but whether HFNO increased the fire hazard is yet to be examined. We used a physical model for simulation to explore fire safety through a series of ignition trials. An HFNO device was attached to a 3D-printed nose with nostrils connected to a degutted raw chicken. ⋯ The factors found to be related to a significantly increased chance of ignition included laser application, lower gas flow, and higher FiO2. The native tissue and smoke can ignite and turn into violent self-sustained fires under HFNO and continuous laser strikes, even in the absence of combustible materials. The results suggest that airway surgeries must be performed safely with HFNO if only a short intermittent laser is used in low FiO2.